A study of White ethnic-dispossession and ‘replacement’: Maryland’s Prince George’s County, 1970s to 1990s

Last week, a Steve Sailer commenter named Colin Wright recalled a scene from his life, some years ago, in which he had helped a friend in Washington, D.C., move house: “[Every] night, dog-tired after putting in our twelve-fourteen hours, we’d get lost [on the way to our accommodations] and wind up cruising DC’s ghetto for an hour in the dark. I did not need that. Not with everything else.”

To this came a reply from Ennui, apparently former area resident of the area, who said that among the areas to “avoid” in the Washington, D.C. region was the entirety of Prince George’s County. Given the size of that county, it’s a bold statement to say “avoid it entirely.”

Prince George’s County is actually a story of the perils of migration and ideology, and U.S. race politics. The county, within living memory, had a large 90%-White population, as of the 190s. Today its active population is maybe 5% White. This was a true, full-on “Great” Replacement.

This essay will look at the “loss” of Prince George’s County. The shocking scale at which it happened, how and when it happened, and what lessons it gives us on Third Worldization and de-Europeanization in Western countries in the mid-21st century, especially of value to Europe as it faces similar processes at home.

Later in the essay, we ask whether Prince George’s County could be an example of the U.S. government and cultural-apparatus applying the foreign-policy concept of a “protectorate” onto its domestic population. An ethnic protectorate. The concept sounds strange but ends up looking strangely compelling.

[6,000 words]

Prince George’s County, in the U.S. state of Maryland, is not small. It is 482.5 square miles in size (1250 sq km). That is eight times the land-area size of the “District of Columbia,” which it borders to the east. Here is a map:

The rule-of-thumb to “avoid Prince George’s County” is a good one. By doing so, many problems and headaches are avoided. While just about anyone with regional knowledge knows well enough that Whites are well advised to not go to most of Prince George’s County, White-liberals will hesitate to simply say so outright. The White-liberals too, however, will stay to fairer parts of the region. (There is that old Revealed Preference again.)

Longtime residents who have a ‘feel’ for a particular region will develop an instinct on which areas are to be avoided in their “metropolitan areas.” Prince George’s County has been effectively a part of “Washington, D.C.” since the 1930s. (Not legally, but “for all practical purposes.” More on this later.)

Washington itself has an unusual-in-the-U.S.-east “square” boundary, straddling a turn in the Potomac River, that turn first mapped by the English explorer John Smith in 1608. (The site of a local Algonquin Amerind chieftain’s village, near that turn in the river, was on the east bank of a branch river now called the Anacostia. A frontier-like status existed in the 17th century. Permanent and post-frontier White settlement dates to the early 18th-century, so now past the three-century mark. If we give this place three-hundred years of full-White history, it now has some decades’ worth of post-White history in recent decades. The whole thing augurs some bad things for the West generally, where the same sorts of mechanisms have, and will continue to, ‘tip’ places ethno-demographically away from their White element.

The longtime resident or frequent-visitor to Washington (or any place) has a tacit filing system for places, neighborhoods, with some filed as “Avoid,” others “Approach With Caution,” and a third big-category of “Safe.” Prince George’s County, in its entirety, by rule-of-thumb, is “Avoid” for Whites, a few specific islands or institutions therein notwithstanding.

The three-category system is modified by time of day, day of the week, and what sort of company one is in. The categorization of a given place will differ if young White women are involved, versus a single-male traveling along. Bringing along children also modifies it, as added vigilance is highly advisable in that case. In effect, these modifications mean qualified rules, like: “Approach [this place] with caution at x, y, z times; otherwise Avoid.” The wise person gets a feel for these and occasionally updates them as needed.

Another factor is “era.” Time, but not in the week or day sense. More like “decadal” time. A given area could easily ‘upgrade’ from “Avoid” to “Approach With Caution” after, say, a ten-year time-lapse of improving conditions. It happens a lot.

The 2016 murder of Seth Rich, the neighborhood of which I looked around in about 2017, was one of those that had upgraded from Avoid to Approach With Caution. It had been an “Avoid for Whites” area for a long time, but Seth Rich’s time no longer was.

(Seth Rich’s murder in mid-July 2016 was two weeks before Hillary Clinton’s nomination at the Democratic National Convention of late July 2016. By the 2010s, the neighborhood in which Seth Rich lived was definitely “gentrifying,” which means moving from “Avoid” to “Approach With Caution,” with an uncertain set of modifiers (as explained above) that everyone is still negotiating. When I spent time around the Seth Rich murder-site and its vicinity, in 2017, the long story short is I had no trouble believing that a random murder would occur there in the 3am hour of a Saturday. The street itself is quiet, but within a certain walking-distance radius were still many telltale signs of “Avoid.” My conclusion: Seth Rich, a non-local person — and a political Bubble-person to a great extent, or so I presume — had misinterpreted the status of the area in which the room he was temporarily renting was situated; a version of Seth Rich with sharper mental-map categories of these things would not have put himself wandering about with phone and wallet out, in that place, at 3am.)

All the nuances given in the preceding few paragraphs are of interest in general. But for Prince George’s County itself they mostly don’t apply. The entire county, amazingly enough, has long been in the “Avoid” category on a rule-of-thumb basis. Knowledgeable locals would be able to point out spots, here and there, that are relatively-less bad. There are also some recent ‘colony’-like efforts, such as the National Harbor and Casino, being “exceptions that prove the rule.” (The “National Harbor” is a high-security, Disneyland-like, walled compound along the river. It has high-end restaurants and stores on a few artificial small-town-like street blocks, constructed specifically for the project. Effectively, almost, an outdoor shopping mall, with a pricey hotel and casino.)

A White person can spend years of active life in this region and virtually never spend any time in Prince George’s County. Many major metropolitan areas in the USA have regions like this with racial components in which No-Go areas are created. The “Avoid” areas in U.S. cities in our time have few Whites, and, as a rule, no White families. That is both a central fact about the USA, and a central taboo of the USA.

White-liberals — not just left-wing ‘Woke’ cadres — will tend to avoid thinking about all this. Some of them even allow themselves to participate actively in a political-cult that preaches “Black Moral Superiority doctrine” (or perhaps it’s “White Moral Inferiority doctrine”), which involves Biblical-apologetics-like explainings-away of the observation about the “Avoid” areas and so on.

In my experience, foreigners who are neither socialized into this taboo nor subject to propaganda-reinforcement of it, can see right through it. (This, in my view, explains the rise of men like Vivek Ramaswamy, and a whole class of mini-demagogues of foreign origin.)

To return to Prince George’s County. It is also locally called “P. G. County,” the very saying of which tends to lend ‘ghetto’ feel to the air hanging in place after its speaking, at least as of the 1990s and beyond. Yes, the negative stereotypes locally, over the past few decades, about the entire county — a very-large county by land area, as I say — are overwhelming. No White person wants to go there; people avoids going there, if possible. The most grumpily-unhappy of all the “federal workforce” are those stuck out in satellite offices in Prince George’s County. Some of them are said to treat the whole thing like working in the Green Zone of wartime Baghdad, or the like, never wandering about outside the fenced compound; driving in, in the morning; driving out, at quitting time.

The surprising thing is that Prince George’s County was, within very-easy living memory, an overwhelmingly White, functional area with reasonably strong institutions and local civic-culture. To anyone born in about the 1980s or later, this is an astonishing fact to learn. So total and so negative is the reputation of “P. G. County,” one could be excused for thinking it emerged in the dysfunctional in the Mesozoic period, the dinosaurs prone to antisocial behavior congregating in that area.

To return to the Steve Sailer discussion that opened this essay. Another commenter, Curle, wrote this in response:

“PG County was white in the late sixties. Becoming black quickly in the early 80s. Don’t know when and if peak black has been reached. Google earth images of the old neighborhoods don’t suggest the homes have been kept up.

There were probably some blacks back then but I don’t remember them except white neighborhoods got vandalized by blacks in cars throwing rocks at windows right after MLK was shot. Window repairmen did a brisk business.”

This recollection is an interesting starting-point for an investigation into when and how regional or sub-regional Third Worldization can occur in a Western society. The answer is that Prince George’s County ‘flipped’ from

A similar process has occurred countless times across the West, small-scale versions of this even happening in places like Sweden in which neighborhoods ‘tip’ towards having Black- and Muslim-oriented foreign-origin supermajorities.

The story of Prince George’s County, Maryland, is actually quite similar in outline to the stories of those migrant-majority No-Go Zones in Sweden. The main difference may be the scale, and certain ideological factors that are deeper in the USA than in Sweden (for example, Sweden had a shift towards immigration-restrictionism after the rise of a political party that demanded it; the U.S. Regime refuses to accommodate that reasonable demand and instead seeks scorched-earth tactics against those who push for immigration moratorium and if not pro-White policies than at least the removal of the vast array of anti-White policies).

USA had a process in place, from the late 1910s to some time in the early 1960s, in which large numbers of Southern Blacks migrated north (such as Washington’s own crack-addict longtime mayor, Marion Barry [1936-2014], born in Mississippi, raised from mid-childhood in Memphis, Tennessee; Marion Barry’s earliest ties to Washington only date to the 1960s; in other words, Marion Barry, and the bulk of his Black support, were themselves Migrants up from the Deep South. Keep this in mind as we look back on these census numbers to try to locate the “tipping point” in Prince George’s County, Maryland:


racial-population census counts, 1910 to 2020


  • 24,043 Whites lived in Prince George’s County, Maryland
  • 11,493 Blacks

    In 1910, the White:Black ratio was 209:100.

    This is a very-low total population, consisting of rural-style communities, farms, small-towns, a handful of medium-sized downs. Recall that Prince George’s County is 482.5 square miles in size (1250 sq km). The population density in 1910 was 73.5 per square mile (28.5 per sq km).


  • 46,048 Whites
  • 14,023 Blacks

    In 1930, the White:Black ratio was 328:100.


  • 171,247 Whites
  • 22,652 Blacks

    In 1950, the White:Black ratio was 756:100.


  • 324,714 Whites
  • 31,011 Blacks

    In 1960, the White:Black ratio was 1050:100 (i.e., over 10:1).

    Sometime near the 1960 census was the relative peak of “White Prince George’s County.”


  • 561,476 Whites
  • 91,808 Blacks
  • and, by 1970, there were 7,000+ “Others” of non-Black, non-White origin; the first beachheads of non-European immigrant stock were established, though by the early-21st century these would look very different in national-origin terms.

    In 1970, the White:Black ratio was 612:100.

    Relative decline of Whites is already picked up by the 1970 census (compare the White:Black ratio for 1960 vs. 1970). But the 1970 ratio is still a comfortable White majority, on a scale shocking today.


  • 383,215 Whites
  • 247,860 Blacks
  • and, by 1980: 34,000 Others

    By 1980, the White:Black ratio had fallen to 155:100.

    Blacks were flowing into Prince George’s County in the 1970s; Whites began leaving, on net. There was a net-gain of Blacks 156,000 Blacks a net-loss of 178,000 Whites. This was the first time the number of Whites had fallen after decades of growth. The Third Worldization process was now not only by now “well underway,” by 1980 it had already been completed in some places, and others were just waiting their turn.


  • 303,090 White non-Hispanics
  • 365,705 Blacks non-Hispanics
  • and, by 1990: 60,473 Others (___ are Hispanic)

    In 1990, the White:Black ratio was 83:100.
    In 1990, Whites outnumber Hispanics 60:10.

    At some time in about the mid-1980s, at county level the number of Blacks exceeded the number of Whites for the first time — the first time ever.


  • 194,836 Whites
  • 502,550 Blacks
  • 104,000 Others (just over half of whom Hispanic)

    In 2000, the White:Black ratio was 39:100.
    In 2000, Whites outnumber Hispanics 34:10.

    By 2000 we see a wo-thirds drop in the absolute number of Whites, while Blacks continue to net-gain population.


  • 128,853 White non-Hispanics
  • 548,439 Black non-Hispanics
  • 186,128 Others (about seventy percent Hispanic)

    In 2010, the White:Black ratio was 23:100.
    In 2010, Whites and Hispanics were at parity.


  • 109,060 White non-Hispanics
  • 571,866 Black non-Hispanics
  • 286,275 Others (about seventy percent Hispanic)

    In 2010, the White:Black ratio was 19:100.
    In 2010, Hispanics alone now outnumber Whites more than 2:1.

    By 2010, the White population had fallen to 11% of total. The Prince George’s County Public Schools population was far-lower still, at 3.8%. A portion even of these will not be ordinary White-Christians of European ancestry, but some census-categorization quirk assigning people of Migrant origin into the “White non-Hispanic” category, such as Arabs.

It’s evident, here, how fast places can “slide” if they are allowed to, or encouraged to, even in peacetime. No war, or ‘Dustbowl’-style natural calamity, or Stalin-style forced population-movement occurred here. The cause of the complete de-Europeanization of Prince George’s County in Maryland bears some other explanation.

Between the 1960s and the 2000s, the White:Black population-ratio in Prince George’s County flipped from over 10:1 in favor of Whites, to around 1:5 in favor of Blacks. The handful of Whites still left in the early-21st century formed, effectively, no community. Some were elderly hangers-on, living links to the decades-earlier peak-White-presence period.

The time-period involved is within living memory for older people and within one-generational memory for most young-to-middle-aged people today (in other words, stories from their parents or at least parents’ generation). But these collective memories are seldom discussed, and certainly not celebrated.

The pattern of White retreat from areas they had settled, built up, and lived in. It is a familiar one across “Big Blue” metro-areas in parts of the USA over the past fifty-or-so years. It also existed in parallel with this:

(See: “A study on America’s demographic-national crisis: Developments in the White birth-share in the USA, 1920s to 2020s.”)

Even those White-alarmists of our time who prophesy civilization doom, often avoid the topic of Blacks. They instead point to the Immigration problem, and not without reason: The new feature on the scene, by the 2000s, was a constant, bottom-end ‘churn’ of illegals and semi-illegals. Illegals have been a common sight for decades in the wider region, heavy in the northwestern part of the county. By the 2020s, they and their descendants, and co-ethnics, are a major population-component in their own right.

As for White displacement in Prince George’s County, it was near-complete by ca. the 1970s in many places; and, by the 1980s, effectively at county-wide level. By the 1990s, at latest, depending on your standard of “complete” and how much credence you give to tenuous pockets of Whiteness as places that could hold any kind of line of a local White presence when surrounding jurisdictions were all rapidly losing Whites.

The succession of Migrant arrivals displacing earlier residents induces a strange feeling. Starting, in this case, with the arrivals of Black migrants in the mid-20th century, but by the 2020s with plenty more examples of people from highly implausible places from all across the globe. The strange feeling is this: The ‘purpose’ of the USA is to be Uncle Sam’s Boarding House, a revolving-door territorial-expanse, all of the institutions of which align to give a series of foreigners a “better life,” at least until the golden-goose is on its deathbed.

Those in Southern California know the pattern well, better than almost anyone. That may be one reason why Steve Sailer chose the renegade’s path over a plush life of polite outward-obliviousness. His fateful decision in year 2000, when he quite his humdrum job to try to be an independent journalist, is now a long time ago. Maybe the same Steve Sailer, if he were a lifetimer in the proverbial Peorias out there, never would have taken up the Noticer’s cross, at all.

The White-non-Hispanic share of the economically active population in Prince George’s County is today below 10%; a portion of this is taken up by White wives or common-law wives of Nonwhite men, thus effectively assimilated into the Black (or Other) population, and the rest exists on the rural margins of the county (it is large, remember, at 482 square miles, 1250 sq km). But, on the main, everyone’s gone. Those who inherited it, if that be the right word, could not have built it. Nor could they maintain what there is. Not without technical, and organizational, financial, know-how, and temperamental assistance, guide, and largesse.

If this essay has turned into an epitaph for a never-mourned “White Prince George’s County,” we might as well return to its modern birth, to fill in the story and search for lessons:

The surge in White residents in Prince George’s County came with the rise of the Washington-based “federal government,” especially in the 1930s to 1950s. Those with direct economic (or military) ties to the federal government were far-outgrowing the bounds of the City of Washington, even for a while before the 1930s to some degree. But the older outgrowths were conceptually what would now be thought of as “exurbs,” largely strange and distant, not really desirable even at low prices, probably not viable for mass-growth.

The conceptual-model for cities like this was organically changing before the 1930s, but slowly. IThe federal-government boom of the FDR people locked it in. The fateful 1932 election; the storming into office in March 1933. A new, ever-larger “federal” workforce followed. Residential and ancillary expansion in every direction accelerated with the early-1940s military buildup. These processes went on for decades. The “Pentagon” mega-project, of the early 1940s, was a symbolic part of this. They built it on the Virginia side of the Potomac. In an earlier time, the land just to its north had been considered of so little value to Washington that they allowed a sprawling military cemetery to be built there. (The huge cemetery still, awkwardly, in use today in the middle of a multi-million-person metropolitan area; and the federal government has recently annexed even more land to it.)

The White population in Prince George’s County, meanwhile, was still growing even in the 1960s. But Blacks surged in, perhaps beginning in earnest also in the 1960s. Meanwhile you also had a flow of Migrants getting in at the margins, here and there. but too small to much be noticed. By summer 1968, you have the first arrivals legally processed into the USA under the notorious and now-much-lamented Hart-Cellar immigration law.

Momentum that existed in the 1960s accelerated in the 1970s and kept up strong in the 1980s. The 1990s was just about the final phase. Still-existing pockets of White-Western normalcy, with White-Western norms and population, were phased out in the 1990s, one by one. Those Whites able to do so left in the 1970s to 1990s.

It’s been something like forty years since a sense of White-Western-Christian normalcy has existed at large scale in Prince George’s County. Locally, in many places, it’s been fifty-plus years. In holdout areas, it’s been at least thirty years.

By the 1990s, “P. G. County” itself, just the name, was becoming near-synonymous with Black-dysfunction. There were also some well-off Black areas in the large county. The huge money-magnet of that “federal government” and military-apparatus remained. Cargo-cult-like, it could keep showering cash over the place. People were mostly not-quite sure where it came from, but money did flow, and does flow. Dysfunction remained. Never quite to Sierra Leone levels, but never far from the feel of Sierra Leone; and definitely the feel of the Third World.

Meanwhile, short crow’s-flies distance away to the west was the center of “federal government” and military bureaucracy. The “political class” oversaw, and cared little, for White dispossession of a large share of the metropolitan area in which the seat of federal power, perhaps a strange form of neglect and not one likely to occur in most countries. In approximately the same period, most of Washington, D.C. itself had undergone the same process, in which Whites fled with huge property-value losses and Blacks took over — with Washington’s worst-ever decades following.

Steve Sailer has never coined an “Invade the World, Invite the World”-like slogan for how the Regime accommodates Blacks. There is a recognizable mixture of (1.) toleration of Black misbehavior; and (2.) a strange propagandistic lionization of Blacks’ supposed great moral virtue. It is a dual policy, juggling both things while trying to keep a tether to solid ground. The dual-policy evolved in the late-20th century, becoming overseen and ‘run’ by the Regime’s political and cultural arms.(In and of itself, I believe this is a large part of what Wokeness is about; in other words, Wokeness has not just Regime support, it has Regime guidance.)

The forces that controlled the U.S. political-cultural heights were perfectly happy with the “loss” of Prince George’s County in the late-20th century. There are always safer places to flee to. There is no real need to ever go to Prince George’s County, after its loss; never a need to have a lark of it wandering about with picnic-basket in hand. The place can always be avoided totally. And there is always a reservoir of Whites elsewhere to counter-balance, right? So why worry?

From the perspective of a Westerner concerned with the continuity and health of civilization, Prince George’s County is a tragedy. Not because there is great inherent value to this one, specific 482-quare-mile land area in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic. But rather because it is so symbolic of broader Third Worldization, the specter of which is now politically convulsing Europe.

The dislocation of Whites in their own communities, and ultimately in their own “homelands,” is a tragedy, I say again. Prince George’s County is perhaps a specifically American tragedy because of the driving force being U.S. Blacks from the Deep South. Most of these Blacks who participated in the process are not villainous themselves. They were part of a process that was, however, destructive.

It may be too much to speak of Prince George’s County as a study in (that which has been marketed as) the “Great Replacement.” But there is also no reason the process wouldn’t happen to an entire region, not just get sequestered off into one unfortunate part of a single region. As long as the money flows.

NATO bombed Serbia over supposed “ethnic cleansing” in Kosovo in the 1990s. But the Kosovo question was of a more-ambiguous nature than what we see in Prince George’s County. And countless other places like it in the USA. And now elsewhere in the West.

They’ve bragged about the humiliation of Serbia (Kosovo) ever since. But no one of any importance has ever championed the plight of the dispossessed Whites.

In the living-memory of middle-aged or older people, there were once 600,000+ Whites in productive White families resident in Prince George’s County. Today, there are as few as 70,000 (excluding White women with mixed-race children and excluding peripheral-Whites not of European-Christian origin), these largely existing here and there on the rural fringe. In many ex-White communities, there are now zero White families left. But the story goes on: By the 2000s there was a large flux of foreigners also present — mainly ‘Mestizos’ and ‘Indios’ from Central America — but political power has been all-Black for decades.

In Prince George’s County Public Schools, nominal enrollment is said to include 24% English-language learners, a very-high number, and largely Hispanics. But that 24% figure also includes some Blacks of foreign-origin. Black foreigners looking to settle in the USA eventually saw Prince George’s County as a cheap place Blacks could get ahead. Chain-migration began.

Of the 1,000 to 1,500 reported deaths on the Islamic pilgrimage known as the “Hajj” in Saudi Arabia in June 2024, ten or so deaths are said to have been by U.S. residents. The first two reported were residents of Prince George’s County: Two Muslims of African-immigrant origin, quoted in the media as “Alhaji Alieu Dausy Wurie, 71, and Haja Isatu Wurie, 65,” both of Sierra Leone. When, why, and how these Dausy Wurie’s got into the United States is uncertain. There are some Sierra Leone-origin Wuries tied to Suitland, a notoriously ‘bad’ part of Prince George’s County regularly in the news for crimes, drugs, robberies, homicides; the Wuries who died of heat-stroke in Mecca were said to live in Bowie, another part of Prince George’s County.

This looks like a nightmare-vision of Third Worldization, a runaway chain-reaction, all at the net-expense of Whites, with Whites falling into the place of, practically, museum-curiosity. Granted, there are other parts of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area with effective White-majorities. But demographic change means fewer and fewer of them, more “tipping-points” reached, the onerous burden of high prices the only mechanism by which a White person can buy into Western-normalcy.

It can happen, too, at wider scales than just one county. It can happen to entire regions. To entire countries. The Camp of the Saints novel, from the early 1970s, was an allegory for Third Worldization happening to Western civilization itself.

The end of “White Prince George’s County” might have been written on the wall following the April 1968 riots that scarred next-door Washington. Prince George’s County, not yet having a large concentration of Blacks, was mostly unaffected. The older Sailer commenter who writes under the name “Curle” says he remembers “blacks in cars throwing rocks at windows” (quoted above), with no lasting damage. That can’t be said for Washington, with its street after street of burned-out buildings (the National Guard successfully protected federal buildings, the White House, museums and monuments; the rioters easily attacked business-districts elsewhere, but only forays into the central White business-district near the old downtown).

The April 1968 riots induced the exodus of Whites from most of Washington. (A stunned twenty-nine-year-old Pat Buchanan looked on in disgust, resolving to do all he could to get the Nixon-Agnew campaign to cross the finish line, and himself a place in the White House as adviser; with the riots and the carnage and psychological shock of these riots to the haughty never-bombed-in-WWII America, Pat Buchanan and millions of Nixon-’68 and also Wallace-’68 voters had premonitions that civilization was at stake; as did, probably, more than a few loyal-Democrat voters who still went for Hubert Humphrey in 1968, hoping the storm-clouds of destruction would always affect somebody else).

The April 1968 riots in Washington, therefore, turbocharged a process which was already underway. It had gotten underway for various reasons (including car-culture) but one of which was the Black grab for power and a kind of unofficial and unorganized war, that had emerged and was rolling along by the mid-1960s. The momentum after April 1968 led to the various tipping-points that caused Prince George’s County to slip, within a generation, into its Black-supermajority position.

The rise of “car culture” and highways, and the flow of cheap fuel for them, extended the extent of the true “federal district” in a defacto sense by (what would become) thousands of extra square-miles, in all directions. The post-1960s “loss” of most of the 1790-delineated “federal district” of Washington, D.C., was cushioned thereby.

In other words, most of “Washington” has been, now for many decades, outside of the so-called District of Columbia, much less Washington’s own urban core. Except for a few prestige buildings, government offices, monuments, museums, Washington’s downtown core is, strangely, not the center of action that many would imagine it, all else equal. When is the last time that the normal family-people who ‘manned’ those institutions within the federal government in and around “Washington, D.C.” have lived within the limits of the District of Columbia? Some time in the 1950s? 1960s? In other words, Prince George’s County “matters” very much, and is effectively part of Washington. A large share of those who rioted and looted in the mid-2020 protests following the “Covid” lockdowns, went over to downtown Washington from Prince George’s County. Those who engaged in active looting of businesses were seen to be aided by people in cars, which, more often than not, had Maryland license-plates, likely meaning Prince George’s County.

The exodus of the large majority of Washington’s normal White families, in the 1960s–1970s, has been often lamented by Washington native Pat Buchanan (b.1938), whom I briefly already mentioned as being stunned and galvanized by the April 1968 riots. Pat Buchanan was of age to see both chronological sides of the exodus. The re-settlement by some Whites in Washington proper, starting in or by the early 2000s, was unsatisfying because the new people were deeply ideologically-committed left-wing people, often LGBTQs, and seldom genuine White families. To any community, families are a bedrock element; if White families tend to avoid a place, something’s wrong with that place.

The only reason Tucker Carlson (b.1969) had some ties to Washington in formative years, and largely lived there in the 1990s to 2010s, leaving finally in 2020 after activists repeatedly showed up at his door issuing threats of violence to wife and daughters. Tucker’s well-connected family was so wealthy they were always on the far-nicer ‘tony’ end of things. Even at its worst lows, Washington was still a center of power, still a magnet for wealth and influence. A few neighborhoods remained intact, especially west of Rock Creek Park. That is where I understand Tucker Carlson himself largely raised his children.

Tucker’s (now former) house was in a location in far-western end of Washington that was as far from Prince George’s County as one can get while still being in Washington, D.C. This makes Tucker and his family an exception. He is, and always has been, upper-class in socioeconomic terms. But all of Washington’s middle- and lower-middle-class White families had fled and there was no obvious mechanism for the return of such people without huge reserves of money to their names.

It’s possible that it the knowledge and observation about the tilting of Washington itself — as a place, as a lived geography — so far against ordinary Whites that seeded Tucker Carlson’s mind for his eventual turn towards whatever he is now. If he is not a pro-White spokesman, he is at least an anti-anti-White spokesman. He himself has often made the observation in his late-2010s, early-2020s punditry career that wealthy Whites do well, in a sense, under the Wokeness regime; but middle-, lower-middle-, and working-class Whites don’t. Middle- and lower-end Whites are crushed, mocked, dispossessed, expelled from their homes, poisoned (by drugs), and killed (by Deaths of Despair, drugs, dysfunction, and crime); they are, frankly, not welcome in most of the most economically dynamic parts of Big-Blue USA.

The ethnic-cleansing of Whites from Prince George’s County is of the same magnitude and scale as what happened to most of Washington, D.C. Looking back decades later, much of Washington underwent a partial revival in the 2000s and 2010s, but there is little if any trace of White re-entry anywhere in Prince George’s County.

Washington’s partial recovery, in the 2000s, began after decades of terrible, No-Go conditions prevailing in most of the city. Washington’s recovery had reached impressive heights by about the mid-2010s, a degree of relative normalcy prevailing, except for the bitter-ideological commitments of most new White residents and the continuing lack of White families. Recall my discussion Seth Rich’s tragic summer-2016 mistake in over-estimating just how much the improvement had happened–Even so, it had happened enough that Seth Rich could overestimate it (as have many others before and since, whose names we never know because none were DNC operatives like Seth Rich).

As for Prince George’s County in the 2020s, no one would make that mistake. It’s no surprise you don’t hear of any Whites being murdered in Prince George’ County; because none go there, or, if they do, none overestimate its safety.

And place like Prince George’s County gets considerably less attention than Washington, despite being next-door and having a higher population than Washington. Before the automobile era, or so, a place like Prince George’s County could not compete with Washington and the interconnectivity offered by Washington. Today, the prestige factor from those old institutions remains. No outsider visitors pay specific visits to Prince George’s County, but people flock to downtown Washington for visits.

Many hundreds of millions of people, across the world, are influenced directly by impressions made by people in certain parts of Washington, D.C., because so much media is active there. They still do see plenty of Whites around them. But trends across the whole United States (and world) — not to mention x miles to the east in Prince George’s County, and other post-White landscapes — are another matter. De-Europeanization and Third Worldization are possible, and we have many examples of the processes.

The key events of the de-Europeanization of Prince George’s County happened in the 1960s and 1970s. The key single event must be the April 1968 riots, by Blacks, in Washington, which left so many central-business districts damaged and destroyed, and induced so many people to flee at considerable losses. a psychological shock was no “will” to make any form of push-back in the 1970s or 1980s. On what basis could resisters have stood? The slide continued, one place after another.

It would be interesting to collect stories of Whites who had family-ties to Prince George’s County any time the 1930s–1980s period. Almost all of them are long gone, long since ceasing any active ties to the county. What was the transition-period like? What caused the decisions-to-leave to be made: When? Where? Why? Can it be stopped at either regional or national level?

By the 1980s and even 1990s, there still remained some redoubts. But no young person, by then, would have looked to Prince George’s County when the question of White family-formation came to the fore. In their parents’ and grandparents’ time, it had been an attractive place for middle- and lower-middle- and working-class White-families. The decline-and-dispossession process had formed and locked itself in.

When are the equivalent thresholds at national level?

I am reminded, again, over all the self-congratulatory crowing over the bombing Serbia in the 1990s. The “crowing” was to the effect that the USA had heroically stopped ethnic-cleansing by a thug named Milosevic, then-president of Serbia. Meanwhile, across the USA in the previous few decades, ethnic-cleansing had been terraforming large areas (including, for one, Prince George’s County, Maryland).

How big is Kosovo, anyway? In population-scale terms, even just the “loss” of Prince George’s County itself was comparable in scale. And there hundreds more like it in the USA.

Many among the U.S. foreign-policy elite boasted and bragged of their liberal-interventionist triumph over Serbia, boasted the Clinton administration and military’s great heroism in having humbled those bad-villainous Serbs and empowered those noble-oppressed Muslims in Kosovo. (Not told is that the Albanians had tipped the ethnic-scale in “Kosovo” over previous decades through illegal immigration and lax enforcement by the communist-era government, which kept the lid on al kinds of ethnic rivalries).

Quietly, ever since, the U.S. foreign-policy apparatus has undertaken a project of propping up a never-before-existing statelet called “the Republic of Kosovo,” which still today exists as a U.S./NATO protectorate.

There could be more to this parallel. It could be that the USA views even its own domestic population as a series of Kosovo-like projects, which it seeks to manage in a series of Kosovo-like ethnic-protectorates, all of which are, like any small-state protectorate of a great-power, completely loyal and dependent on the patron. That is a rational strategy by the Regime.

A catch phrase is needed to sum up the strange contrast of the Serbia/Kosovo intervention with the near-concurrent losses at home, dispossessions of Whites, the supposed core-ethnic, norm-setting, founding, shaping, and culture-bearing population behind the United States itself, and the civilizational tradition on which it rested. It would have to be something to the effect of:

Abroad, bully with pride; at home, get bullied and hide.”

Yes, that is in the tradition of Steve Sailer’s “Invade the world, Invite the world.”

The proposed “Abroad, bully with pride; at home, get bullied and hide,” as a satirical version of actual U.S. policy in practice, may not be a perfect slogan. Maybe someone else can think one up, especially one that includes something of the spirit of that whole Kosovo-like ethnic-protectorate theory.

People across the West, very much now including Western Europe, are asking what to do about this. The phrase “Remigration” has been proposed, that it be government policy to encourage Migrants to return home, including with money inducements. Is there a future in North America in which such a policy would work? Or are places like Prince George’s County simply lost forever? Once lost, permanently lost and thereafter managed as client-state-like ethnic protectorates (their rambunctiousness looked upon with motherly care, the client-populations cast as a small child who has gone and accidentally broken another toy or two again, or made a playmate cry)?


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3 Responses to A study of White ethnic-dispossession and ‘replacement’: Maryland’s Prince George’s County, 1970s to 1990s

  1. I was looking for that Sailer/Carlson review, Mr. Hail. You must have had this one in the works already, for I suppose less than a week. I will read the rest shortly, but I just wanted to correct the link to the particular comment by commenter Ennui (under the iSteve post on TUR) in question.

    here’s the link to his quick comment on Prince George’s county. Your one went to a comment of his on strip clubs. (No, folks, it wasn’t about the girls, just locations of them.)

    I remember I got in an argument with this commenter about big government a year ago or so, but then he seems like someone I generally agree with otherwise.

    Let me read the rest after dinner.

  2. That’s 4 decades from great to terrible demographics in P.G. County. (1960 – 2000) One could also say it went from pretty good to pretty bad in only 2 decades (1970 – 1990).

    I don’t know if you’ve ever done any reading of “Paul Kersey”‘s SBPDL* blog. He used to post a lot on the subject of the fairly sudden demographic changes in the Atlanta metro-area counties. Some of them were amazing. I’d link to a number of counties, but I don’t know if WP still hates more than n links, n being 3, maybe?

    Just look up (for your readers too, of course) Henry Country to the southeast, Gwinnett Country to the east, and Forsyth County to the northeast for very recent changes (’00 – ’20) on wiki. Fulton County and DeKalb County require a look back a little further, as they are already far, far gone. Gwinnett is about the same size as that P.G. County under discussion in your post. Others are 1/2 the size or so.

    Anyway, Mr. Kersey would explain in his posts how White Atlantans would move farther and farther out every 2 decades or so (not always the same people, of course) and suffer those hour or more stressful each-way commutes in traffic due solely to the Black! destruction. I never really understood the whole idea of living in exurbs (really HATE the McMansions, I gotta say) until I read a bunch of Paul’s, and to a smaller extent, Steve Sailer’s writings on this stuff.

    *That’s for Stuff Black People Don’t Like, a take-off on the old Stuff White People Like blog and theme..

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