On Daniel Uhlfelder, Corona-activist and Panic-pusher; an exploration into “why” some embraced the Corona-Panic

(9500 words)

Who is Daniel Uhlfelder?

You’ll see him described as a Florida lawyer. Really he’s a central figure in the drama of our time, the Great Corona-Panic social phenomenon of the early 2020s.

As a major figure of the Pro-Panic side, it’s worth a look at who this man is, what might motivate him, and try to come up with reasons why he decided to so aggressively push the Panic. This is a bottom-up approach in our ongoing search for answers for why the Corona-Panic happened.

After Daniel Uhlfelder emerged as a major political figure, a Corona-Panic activist-agitator on the Pro-Panic side, he ended up with regional (Florida) influence, but soon national influence, and really even indirect global influence (even if few know his name), mostly because Florida was a key flashpoint throughout the Panic.

It all comes back to the Anti-Panic stand taken by the governor, Ron DeSantis, who some time in spring 2020 concluded that Sweden was right in refusing lockdowns, and sensing the Pro-Panic side had ridden into power on a kind of coup d’etat and would not let go of its power.

The two men — Uhlfelder and DeSantis — share certain biographical similarities, both being born in Florida in the 1970s, but everything changes when we dig beyond such superficialities and into their family-histories, and that will by my purpose here.

(Note: The following is therefore in part a follow-up to the major research piece “The ancestry of Ron DeSantis,” published here last week. DeSantis is a portrait of a leading Anti-Panic figure. The subject here, Daniel Uhlfelder, gets a similar treatment except that in Uhlfelder’s a leading Pro-Panic figure.)

It was a novel political split, the Pro-Panic side versus the Anti-Panic side over a flu virus. There were plenty of Neutrals in the middle but most of the time they were intimidated into silence or acquiescence by the strength of the Pro-Panic side.

But Daniel Uhlfelder was never a Corona Neutral. Nor was he even an ordinary Pro-Panicker. He was rather a highly successful core Pro-Panic activist, even a hardline and extremist Pro-Panic agitator, to use less delicate language. The role he played was as one to “Keep up the Panic; Don’t let the Science-Denier Covidiots win; contain the influence of the dangerous cattle-people who don’t know what’s good for them; ‘Lockdowns today, lockdowns tomorrow, lockdowns forever!!‘…”

I’ll get back to Uhlfelder’s activities within the Corona-Panic era shortly.

For now, I’ll state the purpose of this present study: It is about Daniel Uhlfelder himself but mostly approaches him highly indirectly through his father, grandparents, and even tocuhing on great-grandparents, the people who mostly form our senses of identity, and through whose inherited traditions and attitudes we tend to live out our own lives.

It is more on his family and genealogy, but the purpose is to trace out likely strains of identity-formation which formed Daniel Uhlfelder’s sense of self as as it existed when we all stumbled into the Corona-Panic in early 2020 and Uhlfelder entered History as a leading Corona-fanatic and Panic-enforcer. (Our friends on the Pro-Panic side would characterize him as someone who maybe-overzealously-but-still-righteously warns of the dangers of “Covid” against the capital-s Science-deniers.)

I am glad to say I was able to trace all lines of Daniel Uhlfelder’s ancestry back to the 19th century, some with more information than others, but all with at least something there, so no big lacunae.

Much of it is about Uhlfelder’s own father (Steve Uhlfelder), a semi-public person who was a prolific lobbyist with top political connections and is still living, recently retired from a half-century of activeley exterting political influence.

To state the purpose one more time before moving into the summary-of-findings and then the main content:

The goal here is to look for clues to the psychology behind the kind of person which emerged as a major and influential Corona Pro-Panic activist, through the close study of one major such figure and his family origin. The profile is not just the type which ended up drifting into being on the Pro-Panic side, but into being a leading figure within the Pro-Panic side, an anchor for Pro-Panic rhetoric, activism, framing, narrative-shaping, narrative-control, and narrative-policing, and alas one who successfully helped use info-terror tactics to intimidate or shame opponents or skeptics.

Daniel Uhlfelder is the kind of person who personally helped create the Panic and helped enforce the Panic and key junctures. And make no mistake! Daniel Uhlfelder is one of the most influential and successful Corona Pro-Panic activists and agitator. Those who follow along for this ride will get to know him a bit.


Summary of findings

(1) Daniel Uhlfelder is half of recent Jewish ancestry. Both paternal grandparent lines arriving in Florida (separately) in the 1930s. He identifies as Jewish but his maternal ancestry is Christian.

(2) He has elderly relatives in Europe who are said to have died in the Theresienstadt concentration camp in WWII. That is where old, weak, and/or sick and socially prominent Jews were sent. They were interned in 1942.

(3) The Corona-activist’s father (Steve Uhlfelder) was an influential political figure, a decades-long lobbyist, and really one of the most influential men in Florida of the 1990s and 2000s and not far out from the front even in the 1970s and 1980s. The father (Steve Uhlfelder) even had some degree of a national role and influence with both parties despite being a Democrat. A favorite of the Bush family (via former governor Jeb Bush) and the Clintons and Obama.

(4) The father (Steve Uhlfelder) has had a lifelong tendency to agitate against a certain type of archetypal figure or institution which I would define as “power-structures and symbols of White-Christian America.” This began when he was active in student politics at the University of Florida in the late 1960s and early 1970s; he became student body president at the University of Florida, 1970-71 and traces of this attitude date to that time and since. (In a revealing anecdote, in the 1990s Steve Uhlfelder successfully managed a media campaign to remove the president of the University of Florida after the president had jokingly used the word “Oreo” to describe a Black university figure. Steve Uhlfelder slammed as a racial slur and began a campaign to remove him for racism.)

(5) The Corona-activist’s grandfather went by the name Willie Uhlfelder. He arrived in the USA in the mid-1930s in his twenties and later ran a successful moving company. He became highly politically active in Florida and held elected office. In some of his political ads in the early 1960s, Willie Uhlfelder called his opponents “hate groups,” a fascinating early appearance of this term which I elaborate on below.

(6) Both the Corona-activist’s father’s and his grandfather’s political careers no doubt served as inspiration for Daniel Uhlfelder’s own embrace of a role as political Corona-activist.

(7) His maternal grandfather had a high position within an aerospace company’s Orlando office; the company later merged into Lockheed.

(8) Daniel Uhlfelder’s mother’s side is entirely White-Christian, including substantial ancestral connections to colonial-era Maryland and Virginia (Episcopalian) but also Late Ellis Island-era arrivals from Ireland.

(9) In terms of his all-branch ancestry, Daniel Uhlfelder is 50% recent German-Jewish (arrival in the USA only in the 1930s), up to 25% colonial-stock mid-Atlantic Protestant US ancestry, and 25% Irish (religiously, probably Catholic ancestry there). However, Daniel Uhlfelder clearly takes more after his Jewish (paternal) side in how he has framed his life in the law and politics.

(10) The Corona-agitator Daniel Uhlfelder’s parents were both b.1940s, raised middle class, and highly educated. We can say Daniel Uhlfelder is a third-generation middle-class-or-above person.

(11) Daniel Uhlfelder himself is a Stanford graduate (1993) before characteristically following in his father’s footsteps to Florida Law (1996) (his father was Florida Law, ’71). He briefly attained fame in late 2019 for some anti-Trump social-media thing, and it is probably that small springboard which let him leap into fame in 2020 with his Corona-crusading, his DeathSantis and Remove Ron campaigns. He became a CoronaPanic-apparatchik.

(12) I believe there are key biographical- and identity-based clues to understanding why Daniel Uhlfelder embraced the Panic. They amount to forms of social class prejudice and inherited ethnopolitical attitudes which we see especially in the three generations of Uhlfelder males in America. Further, this finding could be scalable and apply to lots of core Corona Pro-Panic activists and enforcers, a way to outflank their domestic opponents and traditional rivals.


A preliminary discussion:

“Why did the Corona-Panic happen?”

This is one of the big, important, basic questions of our time.

Forms of mass-delusion can spring up and can even spill over into causing social or economic or cultural disruptions. They can happen, granted. But how could something this crazy, this wrong, this destructive…happen?

How could the Corona-Panic social movement not only emerge but triumph and sustain itself for two years? Why didn’t the whole thing die on the vine?

Once it did break out, why wasn’t it dismantled after it became clear it was a major overreaction?

(And that is how History will remember it. Challenges lay ahead we cannot expect, and a flu wave that matches a once-to-twice-a-decade peaks will seem laughable to people of the future.)

The questions keep flowing. Why was the Corona-Panic never successfully dismantled even later, long after it became clear it was a majorly destructive overreaction when any of the face-saving natural “off-ramps” over two years present themselves? Why did “they” bitterly cling to the Panic despite knowing the damage it was doing? But, backing up, who is the “they” I refer to? Pro-Panic believers, maybe, but most of them are just following orders. Who are the Pro-Panic leaders, and what was/is the Pro-Panic leadership’s motivation? Even calling it all a mass-delusion is not an answer. Who, what kind of person, was likely to emerge as central figures?

There have been lots of Big Ideas proposed trying to grapple with this set of questions. Our collective dignity demands answers, demands we make amends for this ugly blight on the history of Western civilization (non-Western countries also caved into the Panic but were mostly following the West’s lead, and many have strong cultural-political authoritarian traditions anyway). We endeavor to keep some degree of civilizational dignity.

I do not have a one-word answer to explain the Corona-Panic. Nor, I think, does anyone. There are thick layers of group-think-muck covering all aspects of the thing. Still, people try. We often look for answers from above, in the theoretical sense, applying a theory to the the whole thing to explain the actions of individuals. This is really what the Corona-as-Religion hypothesis is about.

While it is worth approaching the Corona-Panic Question with the wide-angle lens, from the top down, we might get betters results with an opposite approach, an “inductive” approach by which we start with a single data-point and work out way up from there. I propose to try this here via a deep portrait of Daniel Uhlfelder, one of the most influential Corona Pro-Panic agitator-activists. I seek to understand who he is and what motivates him.

This is an exploratory, inductive approach to the Corona-Panic Question (i.e., Why did it happen? How did it become so crazily extreme and last two years?), tries to find clues to what motivated Uhlfelder, the major Pro-Panic activist, through an investigation into his own family and origins. Some findings from this up-close approach, if properly evaluated, may be scalable upward towards a general type. An up-close look may provide insights that may be missed by that top-down grand theory family of explanations for the Corona-Panic debacle. That is the idea.

Daniel Uhlfelder is perhaps an especially useful case-study because he was not well known before the Corona-Panic and leapt to fame, or at least major influence, on the coattails of the Panic (along with a few others usually claiming medical or public-health credentials like the odious Eric Feigl-Ding, deranged Corona-fanatic par excellence.)


I previously said this about Uhlfelder and the anti-DeSantis television spot which his group had just released (Sept. 2021):

Some have called it a Covid Rorschach Test; committed Anti-Panickers see it as effectively a pro-DeSantis ad.

The ad comes from a local Pro-Panic fanatic Daniel Uhlfelder (Stanford, BA, 1993; Univ. of Florida, JD, 1996; ties to Democratic Party), a man who gained attention in 2020 for parading around Florida beaches dressed as the grim reaper, to warn the sinners of the Wuhan Virus Apocalypse and to preach upon whence salvation comes per the Corona Gospel.

Covid-agitator and Lockdown-pusher Daniel Uhlfelder doing Corona-Panic agitprop stunt, Florida, 2020

Some have questioned whether Daniel Uhlfelder was serious or not, and reasonably so. Another natural question is “Why him?” which is to say how did this man jump from ‘Zero’ to such a major Corona-Panic figure? I addressed both these questions and will repeat the points here:

If you check the Twitter feed of the man behind the ad, Daniel Uhlfelder (@DWUhlfelderLaw), you can confirm that he is serious about it, and that the ad is intended to be anti-DeSantis. He even brags about the ad and slams “bots” mocking it.

Mr. Uhlfelder is — was — an obscure Jewish lawyer in Florida. He had a few hundred Twitter followers on Dec. 1, 2019. His follower-count jumped to 50,000 in a 48-hour period, about Dec. 6-8, 2019. At that time he got attention over some kind of lawsuit against Mike Huckabee. A forgettable affair but he briefly became a social-media star in 2019.

Uhlfelder’s big jump into fame was yet to come, in 2020 with the Corona-Panic. It paid great dividends. As of today, Uhlfelder has over 200,000 followers. All these new followers are from attention he scooped up during his media-promoted “Covid Grim Reaper” and “DeathSantis” campaigns, aiming to righteously remove Ron DeSantis for crimes against humanity, refusing Lockdowns, rejecting masks, and mocking other tenets of Corona.

Daniel Uhlfelder is probably many things to many people, but for these purposes he was a social-media star freshly minted in Dec. 2019 just weeks before the Corona movement’s breakthrough. He transitioned from humble beginnings to become a major Pro-Panic partisan, and Corona-Panic Enforcer, in 2020-21.

The blog Peak Stupidity posted a reaction essay to the DeSantis ancestry-biographical investigation, titled: “They hate him for his freedoms!

It was largely focused on Corona-agitator Daniel Uhlfelder and Uhlfelder’s place in U.S. political culture in the early-2020s “Corona Panic” era.

Here is some of Peak Stupidity‘s commentary on the Daniel Uhlfelder question, which includes some biographical info; the first line is in refence to the television ad Uhlfelder produced (see Youtube video, above):

Here is just one taste of what Daniel Uhlfelder did, day after day, agenda-setting and agitating on behalf of a flu virus:

By June 2020, Uhlfelder’s “DeathSantis” Grim Reaper stunt had already gained enough attention that political cartoonists were using it. There are many other examples of this. Even heavy news followers during the Corona-Panic likely don’t know the name Daniel Uhlfelder, but they saw his influnece anyway.

I think that just about catches us up on where Daniel Uhlfelder fits within the general Corona-Panic narrative for Florida.


The importance of Daniel Uhlfelder

Uhlfelder is a nodal Pro-Panic fanatic, a highly successful Pro-Panic agitator in Florida, and despite lack of name awareness he really is a figure of global influence within the Corona-Panic itself.

I have previously mentioned Florida CoronaPanic-pusher Daniel Uhlfelder in the discussion of Ron DeSantis’ ancestry. The two are as Corona-Panic archetypal nemeses, and poetically both are lifelong Floridians except for Ivy League educations. I had first mentioned Uhlfelder in the comments to “Tucker Carlson on the ‘Corona Cult’.

We can trace a chain from Daniel Uhlfelder’s role in Corona agitation — pushing Endless Virus Panic, policing the narrative to keeping up the Panic and keep Pro-Panic loyalists from defecting, histrionically slamming the Anti-Panic side — from Florida on up.

After he began his high-profile Corona Pro-Panic agitation, his “DeathSantis” and “Remove Ron” campaigns, Uhlfelder gained hundreds of thousands of new social-media followers, many of them I think finding him directly through the Pro-Panic talk circuit, which is most of the media. Plus he got what must be billions of dollars’ worth of indirect exposure via reports on his activities, and the drumbeat of reporting on the tone he helped set. He alleged the lack of lockdowns or aggressive state-backed Corona-Panic meant Corona Genocide, or something, and DeSantis and his collaborators were guilty.

The idea was there was a grassroots movement of outraged Floridians angry at (supposed) high infection and/or death rates under Governor “DeathSantis.” This was a powerful meme. It became front and center at some critical points as a rallying point for the Pro-Panic side to direct its hatred, DeSantis as a heretic.

The way the Corona-Panic’s Pro-Panic side evolved was to cast DeSantis as demonic, as DeSantis equals Genocide. Lack of loyalty or enthusiasm for the Corona-Panic itself equals Genocide. The people are outraged! But — it turns out to have been a tightly coordinated campaign, led by well-connected lawyer-agitator Daniel Uhlfelder. In the full light of day the whole thing seems rather like a “giant with feet of clay,” if “clay” means shallow backing by any kind of real data, not counting those infamously, stupendously wrong “millions of deaths” models.

But putting asidethe arguments, Daniel Uhlfelder is a mirror to Uhlfelder’s nemesis the Corona Anti-Panic stalwart, Ron DeSantis. It is worth comparing the two side by side.

This can work as a companion piece to the ancestral investigation of Ron DeSantis I previously published. (“The ancestry of Ron DeSantis: son of Florida, grandson of industrial Ohio, great-grandson-of Italy“), keeping in mind the contrasts between the two.

Students of the social phenomenon that was the Great Corona-Panic of the Early 2020s should want to know “who is Daniel Uhlfelder?” and “what made him to emerge as a leading, successful Corona-agitator?” As one of the ringleaders of the Neverending Virus Panic, and as perhaps someone representative of the type which came to embrace the Panic and did not want it to end.


Next is original research portion of this post. It is framed by genealogy, but focuses on relevant political or biographical portions of ancestor’s biographies, keeping in mind the goal to try to flesh out possible motivations behind why this man, Daniel Uhlfelder, embraced the Corona-Panic in such an extreme and destructive way.

I didn’t quite know what I’d find when I began researching the target of this investigation, Daniel Uhlfelder, his background and family history, with aim to finding tie-ins with our time and possible motivations.


Daniel Uhlfelder: Family and Ancestry

  • Daniel Will Uhlfelder. Born August 1972, Florida.


  • Steve Uhlfelder (1946-), and
  • Mary Mifflin Hollyday (1947-).

Both parents attended high school in Florida and then attended the University of Florida. But earlier than that the ancestral portraits diverge significantly.


Daniel Uhlfelder’s grandparents and their periods of ancestral-arrival in the USA:

  • (1) Willie Uhlfelder (1916-1971), a German-born Jew; arrived in the USA in 1934/35;
  • (2) Selma Schloss (1922-1980), of fully German-Jewish origin, New Jersey birth, but frequent cross-Atlantic trips while growing up, Florida resident from 1931 until death;
  • (3) John M. Hollyday (1905-1977), personally of Maryland origin, and long of American ancestry back to colonial period in Maryland and Virginia;
  • (4) Marian Devine (1917-2002), of Late Ellis Island-era ancestry from Ireland, likely Catholic origin, parents arrived several years before her birth.

Towards the goal of understanding Daniel Uhlfelder, who probably roughly fits the type of “influential, core Pro-Panic activist,” I present some findings on the Uhlfelder family and ancestry, including much on his father’s life and career — Daniel Uhlfelder appears to have closely followed in his father’s footsteps — but also much on the ultimate European origins of his ancestry.

Mean arrival years:

  • Father’s side: 1917 mathematically computed from dates of first arrival, but in terms of full orientation towards the USA alone the mean dates to the 1930s.
  • Mother’s side: half her ancestry (father’s side, Hollyday) likely has a mean arrival in the early 18th century; the other half (mother’s, Devine) has a median in1911.
  • (Mathematical all-branch mean arrival period: 1860s; median: 1910s.)

Arrivals in Florida

  • Paternal side arrival in Florida: Daniel Uhlfelder’s paternal grandparents, both of recent European Jewish origin, were already active in Florida in the 1930s.

    The grandmother, Selma Schloss, grew up in Palm Beach from the early 1930s at age 9; the grandfather, Willie Uhlfelder, showed up first in the Sunshine State in the late 1930s as a young man in his twenties arrived from Germany several years earlier (mid-1930s).

    Willie Uhlfelder worked at several department stores and later founded a moving company in Palm Beach. But the key location for this union is Tallahassee, where the grandmother studied at a women’s college and the grandfather was working at a department store, when they met and married.
  • Maternal side arrival in Florida: Daniel Uhlfelder’s mother arrived in Orlando in 1960, the year she turned thirteen. This was for her father John Hollyday’s defense-contractor job. The family had no previous contact with Florida.

The mean year of arrival in Florida here calculates to 1947, and must be far earlier than the typical Florida resident’s.

But let’s first start with the father’s activities, for we see he is a remarkably influential figure in Florida even if few have ever heard his name.


FATHER: The Lobbyist

Daniel Uhlfelder, the Corona-Panic-activist, has a politically influential father, Steve Uhlfelder. The elder Uhlfelder is a longtime lobbyist. Here he is pictured with George W. and Jeb Bush in the 2000s, the latter the then-governor of Florida.

Steve Uhlfelder was close to, and influential with, both Bush brothers. He held similar roles at the Florida level between the 1970s and 2010s.

Here is another shot of the Uhlfelders with Jeb Bush and wife Columba (pronounced Koh-LOOM-bah). A younger Daniel Uhlfelder is at right in blue shirt:

Steve Uhlfelder’s career was been written up in brief the Tallahassee Democrat newspaper (“Retiring lobbyist Steve Uhlfelder made a difference for Florida,” by Bill Cotterell, “Capital Curmudgeon” column, Feb. 27, 2021). Some excerpts:

“For about a half-century, the Tallahassee lawyer [Steve Uhlfelder] has quietly become one of Florida’s most respected and influential political insiders….He’s even remained a Democrat, more than 20 years after the Republicans took over everything in state government.”

Steve Uhlfelder was a student at the University of Florida from 1964-1968, and soon thereafter a law student (JD, 1971).

“As student body president at the University of Florida, [Steve] Uhlfelder volunteered in the campaign of an obscure Pensacola state senator, Reubin Askew [later two-term Florida governor].

He was elected student body president in a campus-wide vote held April 23, 1970, to serve in the 1970-71 academic year. Campus politics were a big deal. The AP picked up the story and described Uhlfelder as the “liberal” candidate, “bypassing two extremists, a moderate[,] and a cape-clad punster…who campaigned for emperor in cape and T-shirt” (“U of F Students Elect Liberal President,” AP, April 24, 1970). (Steve Uhlfelder got 42% of the vote, against the “moderate” who got 29%, the main “extremist” with 20%, and the guy in the cape got 7%. But only about half of eligible students showed up to vote, so he really won with a bit over 20% of votes of all students.)

The biggest ‘political’ issue on campus by far was campus disturbances by Black students over some set of grievances.

Steve Uhlfelder sided with a protests by many of the University of Florida’s Black students. At one point in late April 1971, some 117 of the 352 enrolled Black students staged a “mass withdrawal” protest, the extreme step of severing their ties to the school, making themselves unable to continue their studies there at all–unless demands were met. The whole thing would look so bad that surely the school would cave in, was the idea, but many held firm. One demand was all students who had been disciplined in any way for “disturbances” that semester be amnestied. But “their pivotal demand,” Steve Uhlfelder told the AP, was “for a separate office of minority affairs responsible only to the university president.” Steve Uhlfelder made clear that he backed this idea. He was quiet on the Black Student Union’s further demand a Black quota of 500 students among all new freshman class intakes, or 18% of students, and various other new Black faculty, but said nothing against it.

This was 1971, some fifty years ago. It sounds strangely like something from the present.

I should also add that 1971 is about the time Ron DeSantis Sr. and his newlywed wife arrived in Florida from Ohio (see “The ancestry of Ron DeSantis“), but DeSantis Sr. had no interest in anything like campus politics and no real connection to it, being a blue-collar worker with a high school education. Ron DeSantis Sr. and Steve Uhlfelfder also happen to be born in the same year, but that is about where the similarities end.

As DeSantis was setting up his life in the greater Tampa Bay area, a young Steve Uhlfelder was a big man on campus as student body president, but leaned towards the radicals and protestors despite being elected as a non-radical.

Steve Uhlfelder joined one raucous mid-April 1971 protest that demanded the resignation of University President Stephen O’Connell. O’Connell’s wiki entry has a lot of this Black student protest story, of which a 25-year-old Steve Uhlfelder played a central role as student body president siding with the Black radicals’ demands. Uhlfelder went out of his way to denounce O’Connell for belonging to a supposedly “Whites-only country club.” (What would the young Ron DeSantis Sr. have thought of this attack-line?)

The AP interviewed Steve Uhlfelder and published his comments supportive of the protestors on the University of Florida campus (including i: “Appeals Fail to Halt U of F Black Exodus,” April 29, 1971, Associated Press).

The university’s 352 Black students at the time amounted to <2% of the student body, and that after several years’ worth of recruitment efforts. A sudden increase to 18% Black for the 1971-72 incoming class would have been a radical and destabilizing move. (See Ron Unz’ College Demographic Tool for more recent data, 1980-2019; they never came close to the demand of 18% Blacks, but the White:Black ratio is became steadily lower, down from about 50:1 in the early 1970s to 6:1 by the mid-2000s, in addition to a now-bare-majority White student share.)

I presume everyone knew the sudden 18% Black quota would be a a radical and destabilizing move, including ostensible supporters, and probably even most of the Black Student Union backers of the idea. So of course it didn’t happen. But a softer form of the same happened with the hardening of the racial-favoritism system all Americans below age 50 or so were born into, many accepting a racial-hierarchy which disfavors Whites and especially White Males as natural. It was not yet something firm in national consciousness in 1971.

When we ask how the racial-hierarchy system emerged, we can point to people like Steve Uhlfelder who backed it. He did not create it, but he did seem to back it for whatever reasons of his own. Christopher Caldwell wrote in the late 2000s:

“One moves swiftly and imperceptibly from a world in which affirmative action can’t be ended because its beneficiaries are too weak to a world in which it can’t be ended because its beneficiaries are too strong.”

Steve Uhlfelder in his twenties was on the “beneficiaries are too weak to end this” side, and so it went.

In 1995, Steve Uhlfelder published an article titled “A True Hero” in the journal Florida State University Law Review (Vol. 22, Issue 4, Spring 1995), praising Rosa Parks and a mentor he had had named Steve Goldstein (1945-1994) who had traveled with him in Florida legal circles in beginning in the early 1970s.

To make a possibly-longer story short: Steve Uhlfelder was an active Democratic operative, lawyer, and prolific lobbyist starting soon after his May 1971 graduation. His political-career start-date really dates to his youth in the late 1960s, and he was socialized from the early 1950s to about mid-1960s.

(Addendum, from the comments section: When Steve Uhlfelder was on his campus political crusade, his father was dying of cancer. Steve ended tenure as student body president in May 1971. His father died of cancer in Dec. 1971.)

Steve Uhlfelder stormed onto the scene, as did so many of his type in that era, and remained on the same wavelength for fifty years, almost as long and steady a career as Doctor Fauci.

Another interesting flash from Steve Uhlfelder (the Corona-activist’s father)’s past:

“During the 36 days of court fights and street circus following the 2000 presidential election, he [Steve Uhlfelder] scored a sort of media hat trick as an on-air consultant for NBC, ABC and Fox News.”

“In 2001, President George W. Bush named Uhlfelder to the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, on recommendation of his brother Jeb Bush, and he chaired that panel in 2003.”

We also have photographic evidence of Steve Uhlfelder’s extensive ties to the two major parties. Despite being a lifelong Democrat, he was a personal favorite of Jeb Bush (and it would be in poor taste to here mention the medieval tradition of the “Hofjude,” so I will not do that). But here he is with the top Democratic Party figures of the early-1990s to mid-2010s, two presidents and one near-president:

In 1998, Steve Uhlfelder again made the news for slamming a University of Florida administrator, this time demanding that University of Florida president John Lombardi resign because he had used the phrase “Oreo” to jokingly describe the new university chancellor (“black on the outside, white on the inside”)(“Chairman of the board a burr under saddle of UF presidents,” by Lloyd Dunkelbeger, Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Jan. 20, 1998.)

Whatever the real reason Steve Uhlfelder wanted Lombardi out, Uhlfelder was influential enough by the 1990s to get his way, and Lombardi resigned in 1999 but fell into a cushy position as chancellor of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst thereafter.

By this time, Steve Uhlfelder’s son, the future hardliner pro-Lockdown Covid Activist Daniel Uhlfelder, had himself just passed through the University of Florida Law School, graduating with a JD in 1996.

Finally, here is a less-than-flattering slice from the lobbyist life of Steve Uhlfelder in which we get a peek into his methods and personality. He apparently threatened a form of legal blackmail the then-president of the Florida Senate, Tom Lee, and otherwise acted boorish, aggressive, and menacing:

The profile of the retiring forty-year lobbyist Steve Uhlfelder includes this near the end:

“His son, Daniel Uhlfelder, has made headlines recently by strolling beaches, dressed as the Grim Reaper, to warn visitors about COVID danger. […]

In a recent Pensacola News Journal story about his activism, Daniel Uhlfelder indicated such activism comes naturally to him.

‘If I wasn’t raised the way I had been, I wouldn’t be doing this now,’ he told the News-Journal. ‘My parents taught us at a young age the importance of standing up when you believe in something’.”

So here we have it from the man himself, Daniel Uhlfelder, the ostentatiously extreme ‘Covid’ protestor (a possible slogan for these people is “extremism in opposition to Covid is no vice!”). By his own account he got it from the way he was raised and otherwise from family inheritance.

(Addendum from the comments: Shortly after this essay was researched, written, and published, the very same Steve Uhlfelder appeared before the Tallahassee city council to protest against the city police chief appearing at a Christian event, shame him for it, and attempt to get him removed. See video and comments below. Thank you to the commenter Adam Smith.)


What I want to try to do is create a general profile of Daniel Uhlfelder’s ancestors, beyond the (revealing) portrait of the longtime-lobbyist father. What were their places in European and American politics and culture? The goal is to parallel the DeSantis ancestral profile I made earlier.

I’m going to do this in five further sections:

(1) “father’s father’s side” back to great-grandparents;

(2) investigation into the origin of the name “Uhlfelder,” back to the Napoleonic-era Germany — a rather interesting story tied in with Jewish Emancipation;

(3) ancestry along “father’s mother’s side,” back to great-grandparents;

(4) “mother’s father’s side,” back to great-grandparents;

(5) “mother’s mother’s side,” back to great-grandparents;

(6) Then some concluding remarks restating some findings and their relevance to the Corona-Panic (through these people’s descendant, Daniel Uhlfelder) and expanding on those thoughts.



  • [Father of Daniel Uhlfelder]: Steven Joel “Steve” Uhlfelder, born May 1946. Lifetime resident of Florida: Long of Tallahassee (the state capital), and later of nearby Walton and Santa Rosa Beach, Florida panhandle. He was a lawyer and lobbyist, active as such from the late 1970s to early 2020s.

    • [Grandfather]: Known as Willie Uhlfelder, born Wilhelm Uhlfelder in 1916 in Erlangen, Germany (near Nuremburg). Jewish. Emigrated to the USA in 1934/35. (Obituaries and interviews variously give 1934 or 1935).

      Willie Uhlfelder found immediate success in America where someone, probably a distant relative or friend of a distant relative, gave him a nice job as a “receiving manager” at Rich’s Department Store in Atlanta. He worked for a series of other department stores into the 1940s, including one in Tallahassee in 1938 and West Palm Beach by 1941.

      A biographical account he wrote has this on his activities 1942-45: “He served in the [U.S.] Army Intelligence Service from 1942 to 1945, handling prisoners.” (“Candidates Give Background, Views,” Palm Beach Post, March 16, 1958). Presumably he got this job because he was a native speaker of German.

      He was a leading figure in Jewish circles in West Palm Beach in the 1950s, on the board of directors of the synagogue Temple Israel throughout the decade. He was also a repeat political candidate for city commission and won several of his races, serving 1958-64, then losing a narrow re-election race in 1964.

      Willie Uhlfelder died in December 1971 of cancer (obituary in Miami Herald, Dec. 24, 1971).

      • [Great-grandfather]: Josef Uhlfelder (or Uehlfelder), born 1881 in Bavaria. Jewish. Said to have died in 1944 in Theresienstadt, the German concentration camp for socially prominent German Jews who were elderly or ill. Died at age 63. His name is listed in a Holocaust Victims database.

      • [Great-grandmother] Frieda Flink, born 1883 in Bavaria. Jewish. Several generations of her ancestors are associated with Altenmuhr, a town south of Nuremburg. Altenmuhr had attracted Jewish migrants from elsewhere in the late 1700s. There had been some Jews there in earlier centuries but local Jews were repeatedly driven out by locals, including a major one during the Black Death. For whatever reason some groups of Jews always eventually came back. The latest beach-heed was set up again in Altenmuhr in the early 1700s, but the local Jewish population really firmed up in the late 1700s, even before Jewish Emancipation.

        Frieda, the 2020s-era Florida Corona-DeathSantis GrimReaper-costumed-guy’s great-grandmother, is said to have been deported from the city of Nuremburg to Theresienstadt concentration camp with her husband in Sept. 1942, and died later that year at the camp. Her name, too, is listed in a Holocaust Victims database.

First of all I note that the Corona-agitator who shot to fame in 2020 for his “DeathSantis” and “Remove Ron” campaigns has the middle name “Will,” which seems clearly in reference to his grandfather, this Willie Uhlfelder.

“Holocaust ancestry”

The Corona-activist’s father, Steve Uhlfelder, has described his own father Willie as someone who “escaped Nazi Germany” (Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Jan. 20, 1998). Given a 1934/35 arrival in the USA — the second or third year of the Nazi regime — that is something of a self-serving stretch.

Willie Uhlfelder’s own obituary had this: “His parents died in a Nazi concentration camp.”

I don’t know the exact circumstances of their deaths, but they died in the camp for elderly and socially prominent German Jews, which means no one in standard Holocaust historiography would even alleged that they were killed in some kind of systematic extermination program.

The shift from the early-1970s wording “died in a Nazi concentration camp” to Steve Uhlfelder’s later claims which elevate their statuses to sacred status, imbuing descendants like Steve (b.1946) and Daniel Uhlfelder (b.1972) with Holocaust Ancestry, which had great cachet in US culture by the end of the 20th century and still today, as careful observers could tell from the big Democratic Party debates in 2019, when two different candidates went way out of their way to play up their own distant “Holocaust ancestry.”

Grandfather’s politics

It’s somewhat unusual that an emigrant who arrived as an adult would run for local political office (cf. the stereotype of the quiet, hardworking immigrant-arrival versus the activist child). Willie Uhlfelder threw such caution to the wind and became a repeat candidate for office in the 1950s and 1960s in local politics in Palm Beach.

Here a paid political ad he put out during one of his runs for Palm Beach City Commission, his final run (which he narrowly lost after winning several races in a row):

(Political ad in Palm Beach Post, March 28, 1964.)

His wording is tantalizingly vague as to what these “shadowy” people are, but he clearly feels nefarious people are engaged in a conspiracy to keep Willie Uhlfeler down. He calls them “hate mongers” and “hate groups,” an interesting early use of that term.

Ngram suggests “hate group” first emerged as a term in the mid-1940s but not until the 1990s did it begin to emerge into more-normal use, especially gaining ground in 1993-1997, then on a more-or-less long plateau for twenty years until spiking again in — guess it! — 2016. Nazi-era Jewish emigrant Willi Uhlfelder was using a term characteristic of discourse more than fifty years after he used it. He may not have meant exactly what the SPLC and ADL mean in our era by “hate group,” it’s too vague to guess at, but the psychological effect of the term he must have appreciated well.

Some traces of CoronaPanic-activist Daniel Uhlfelder’s grandfather and grand-uncle, both German Jews, and what they were up to in mid-20th-century West Palm Beach, Florida:

(1969 ad for Willie Uhlfelder’s Transfer & Storage Co.)

A grand-uncle and Canadian communist activist

An elder brother or Willie’s, Martin Uhlfelder (born 1908 in Bavaria; died 1985 in West Palm Beach) may have been in Germany throughout the war. Martin, like his brother Willie, was active in West Palm Beach as of the late 1940s (he ran a carpet-cleaning service) but I find no trace of him in the USA before 1945. I am left to presume that Martin Uhlfelder — this is the uncle of Steve Uhlfelder an grand-uncle of the anti-DeSantis Corona-activist Daniel Uhlfelder of our time — gained entry to the USA soon after 1945 and easily walked into permanent residency as a refugee from immediate-postwar Europe. He may have been classified a Displaced Person. In this scenario he was likely under the direct sponsorship of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) which sponsored most of the Jewish resettlements.

Martin Uhlfelder married to a Quebec-born, Moravian-Jewish-ancestry woman Rachel “Rae” Satov (1910-2005) (obituary in Palm Beach Post, April 25, 2005). Rae — the extreme Corona-Panic activist’s grand-aunt by marriage — had family ties to a Communist Party figure in Canada. Her brother, Henry Satov, was arrested in late 1939 and held in jail under charge of anti-war and pro-communist agitation. The Canadians charged Satov and the activist network of which he was a leading figure, under a wartime emergency law “banning the uttering or publishing of material likely to cause disaffection…or to hinder recruiting, training, discipline or actions of Canada’s fighting forces.”

Henry Satov and the network of Communist Party activists were apparently following the Moscow line and pushing for peace after the Soviet Union took eastern Poland. The Satov et al trial in January 1940 trial was of nearly as much local interest as the war in Europe itself, which was then stuck in the “Phony War” period of inaction. The case decided whether or not Henry Satov and his Communist activist cadre’s anti-war agitation fell under protection of free speech, and the Canadian court ruled that it did not.

Henry Satov was convicted and the court imposed a $500 fine or six months in jail and the implied warning of more penalties if he kept it up.

Later reports suggest Henry Satov was a key organizer of the Communist activism. His co-defendants — the rest of the local Communist Party network they arrested — had the following names: Anton Kaczmar (released early), Steve Hasiuk, Dan Yaruchewski, Walter Mazurkiewicz, Bessie Schechter, James Smith, Evariste Dube, Dmytre Bendas. (Montreal Gazette, Dec. 11, 1939, “One Freed, 8 Held on War Act Counts,” which starts with “One Communist suspect was freed Saturday…”)

Here is snapshot of Martin Uhlfelder (our subject’s great-uncle)’s business down in Florida in the late 1950s:

This purports to be a photograph of Martin Uhlfelder:

Martin Uhlfelder embraced the Democratic Party, the traditional party of the Jews in the United States until some defected to the Republicans in the late 20th century, the intellectual core of which were the so-called Neoconservatives.

In 1960, Martin Uhlfelder backed Doyle E. Carlton Jr. for governor in the Democratic primary and signed a public petition backing Carlton (published in the Palm Beach Post, May 22, 1960). The main issue in the 1960 governor’s race was integration. Carlton was a moderate anti-integrationist while the winner C. Farris Bryant who ran to Carlton’s Right on the popular anti-forcible-integration issue. (Bryant narrowly won the primary and won the general election but governed as a moderate and disappointed some backers by refraining from going the “massive resistance” route like some Southern state governors were trying.)

Wrapping up this “father’s father’s” section:

Alas, the most important thing on this line, which probably animates both the Florida mega-lobbyist Steve Uhlfelder and his son the Corona-agitator Daniel Uhlfelder must be the tie-in with Nazi Germany

Steve Uhlfelder apparently insisted that the following be added among his list of accomplishments compiled by the local Tallahassee Democrat columnist upon his 2021 retirement after fifty years in politics and the lobbying biz:

“He [Steve Uhlfelder] was instrumental in creation of the FSU Holocaust Institute for high school teachers and started the Holland and Knight Holocaust Writing Program, in which students nationwide compete for scholarships and visits to the holocaust museum. Uhlfelder also worked for legislation creating a Holocaust Memorial at Florida’s Capitol.”

Finally I should add this on the Jewish origins. We can confirm that they are relevant in a very personal way to Daniel Uhlfelder, the radical Pro-Panic Corona activist, in this way: Daniel Uhlfelder himself identifies as Jewish, and not just in a passive or private way but in a public-enough way that he has appeared all over the English-language Israeli media, such as this from the Israeli JTA in May 2020:

“Daniel Uhlfelder says he was inspired by his family’s tragic Holocaust history to protest beach reopenings.”

In case there is any doubt or nuance here, there are also multiple cases of Daniel Uhlfelder saying directly: “I’m Jewish.” (Cf. Barack Obama’s response to the census in which he called himself “Black alone.”) He is a member of a “Reform synagogue.”

He told the JTA reporter (of New York City) this:

“My great-grandparents were murdered, and their ancestors were murdered in broad daylight,” Uhlfelder said. “And I’m not [comparing the two], but when you have 70-80,000 people dying [of ‘Covid’] in the wealthiest country on the planet, and it seems like nobody cares, I couldn’t sleep at night if I didn’t do something about this.”


Origin of the surname “UHLFELDER”

The Corona-fanatic Florida lawyer Daniel Uhlfelder’s great-grandfather, Josef Uhlfelder, is said to have died during WWII. He was a descendent of several generations of Jews in what is now northern Bavaria.

We can trace this “Uhlfelder” surname back about two centuries to a particular town named Uehlfeld. I find this interesting historical strand to pull on, in trying to reach for understanding of the the psychology of these Uehlfelders, and ultimately to clues to the mind which ended up becoming one of the leading and most aggressive Corona Pro-Panic agitators in 2020-21.

The original Uehlfelder ancestor was a certain Mr. Cohn. This Cohn with three sons. Each of the three junior Cohns were apparently merchants active in the early 19th century. As young men, they each fanned out to “set up shop” in different places — perhaps not so different from what their distant descendants did in mid-20th-century Florida. The three sons each took the place name of their new abodes as surnames, and the next generation used them as fixed surnames, dropping away the too-nonspecific and very-Jewish “Cohn.”

One of these men, we can safely presume, rolled into the town of Uehlfeld some time in the first half of the 19th century.

(See comments section for more on this.)

The town of Uehlfeld had very few Jews before the 1810s/20s. But soon thereafter it became one of the few towns anywhere in Germany which ended up with a major-percent Jewish population. The town got enough Jews eventually gathering here, some presumably from points east, that they came to socially dominate the town, not as a small, local “market-dominant minority” elite (the term coined by Amy Chua — whose children are half-Jewish — with groups like Overseas Chinese and European Jews in mind), but as an on-the-ground reality.

At its height, Uehlfeld was at least 1/3rd Jewish. (English wiki claims half, but that’s too high, per censuses), reminiscent of the shtetls of Eastern Europe. With the rest of the locals generally being typical German-Protestants (Lutherans) with perhaps lesser numbers of Calvinists and Catholics, they didn’t have much of a chance, and had no legal recourse to block the Jewish arrivals.

We can guess at the Jews relative position in town because this man, who was born a Cohn, took the name of the town for his own.

It happened about like this:

In the Napoleonic era, near the height of his power, Napoleon decided to get rid of some of the minor German principalities. He maneuvered to dissolve the so-called Principality of Bayreuth, one of these minor states with often non-contiguous holdings, reminiscent of those “gerrymandered” legislative districts you see. In any case, the Margrave of Bayreuth controlled Uehlfeld and much other territory, but in the 1790s had sold it to Prussia. Napoleon effectively canceled the sale. He then made a new sale, selling much of the dissolved principality to the new Kingdom of Bavaria, his dependent ally. So it was that the new King of Bavaria took control (in 1810) of the towns of Uehlfeld and Altenmuhr, the towns associated with Josef Uehlfelder and Frieda Flink, respectively (though the two of them in adult life appear to have lived in the relatively big city of Nuremburg).

The Napoleonic era disrupted the traditional order in all kinds of ways, and it’s said that no topic in European history has elicited more writing than the French Revolution. As for the town of Uehfeld, big things were about to roll in here; one thing led to another, and within a generation this once provincial little town, in the Lutheran camp since the 16th century, had risen to around one-third Jewish. The pre-Napoleon ruler, a German aristocrat called Christian Friedrich Karl Alexander (1736-1806) was anti-Jewish and had taken measures to limit their influence, but with him out of the way, the way was open.

The Napoleonic era also brought what is called “Jewish Emancipation” in which all legal restrictions on Jewish activities, which many local rulers or Christian elites had long maintained, were removed. In most parts of Germany, this occurred in the mid- and late-Napoleonic era; the new Kingdom of Bavaria itself emancipated the Jews in 1813.

The Napoleonic disruption and Jewish Emancipation was the open door. But why did the Jews choose Uehlfeld? Was it a kind of internal-German trade entrepot spot on the trade routes between Nuremburg — which was a major trading center back to the Middle Ages — and Bamberg to the north and Wurzburg to the west, and of course points farther west (Rhineland)?

Now, one might be inclined to say this is all so much trivia. But we have these words from Daniel Uhlfelder’s own mouth: “My great-grandparents were murdered, and their ancestors were murdered in broad daylight,” which he told reporter in May 2020 near the height of the initial Corona-Panic.

What did he mean by “their ancestors were murdered in broad daylight”? It seems he could only be referring to medieval anti-Jewish riots. You say I’m going too far back, well our subject himself has gone back far earlier than the earliest I’ve gone directly, with feelers in the late 18th century but the Uhfelder narrative focusing on the 19th century in post-Napoleonic Germany.

Next we’ll see that his father’s mother’s side is much the same, Jews generally from the same general area of Germany.



  • [Father of Daniel Uhlfelder]: Steven Joel “Steve” Uhlfelder, born May 1946. The Florida political insider and lobbyist.

    • [Grandmother]: Selma Schloss, born in 1922 in Newark, New Jersey.

      Her father died around the time she was born and her mother took her to Selma Schloss graduated from Central Junior High School, West Palm Beach, in 1936, with honors, and Palm Beach High School in 1939. She was elected president of a chapter of the Tri Beta Sorority in Jan. 1939, for students studying biological sciences, by high school friends. Thereafter she attended Florida State College for Women, Tallahassee, 1939-41. She talked her way into a position writing articles for the Tallahassee Democrat starting in 1941.

      Selma Schloss had been active at Temple Israel in the 1930s and continued to be so whenever she was back in Palm Beach. She may have met husband-to-be, the recently arriving German-Jew Willie Uhlfelder in Tallahassee and not Palm Beach, though Willie Uhlfelder was later active at the same Temple Israel in West Palm Beach. They married on New Year’s Day 1942. It is clear from the wedding announcement that Willie Uhlfelder is not in the army at this point (he is described as “in business” in Tallahassee). (Account of wedding in Palm Beach Post, Jan. 2, 1942).

      Selma died in 1980 in Florida.

      • [Great-grandfather]: Salomon Schloss, born 1873 in Römerberg, Rhineland, Germany Immigrated to New York City area, 1888. Died 1922.

      • [Great-grandmother]: Johanna Held, born 1892 in Nuremburg, Germany. Arrived in Newark, New Jersey, in 1911, age 18/19.

        Her husband died around the time her baby was born. Johanna Held responded to the shock by planning a long trip to Europe, presumably to visit relatives; she was still a foreign national and had to apply for a special passport through her deceased husband’s naturalized citizenship. She returned to America and was active in Florida by 1931.

        Died 1973 in Florida.

        Here is a picture of Johanna Schloss (nee Held) in 1922, at age thirty, recently widowed, with five-week-old Selma Schloss (photo from her public-record passport application):

The widow Johanna Schloss and her daughter Selma were back and forth to Europe multiple times in the 1920s, returning from the final trip in late-year 1930 (Port of New York passenger manifest, S.S. Berlin, Nov. 10, 1930). Sometime that w inter (1930-31) Johanna and eight-year-old daughter finally left Newark for good and went south to Florida, probably at invitation of a relative.

In any case, t he Corona-activist’s grandmother, Selma Schloss, was of entirely German-Jewish origin. She was of Ellis Island-era ancestry, except with the unusual caveat that she never knew her earlier (1888)-arriving father who died the same year she was born. She only knew her 1911-arriving mother, who was back-and-forth to Europe so much that she was practically a dual-national (though officially she traveled on a US passport, which she secured through her deceased husband’s naturalized-citizen status and the USA’s generous citizenship allowance).

Young Selma must have absorbed much more of this even than usual up to age 9 given that she was physically back and forth to Europe. For practical purposes, Selma Schloss (Daniel Uhlfelder’s grandmother) could probably be considered “Post-Ellis-Island Jewish,” just like the actual Uhlfelder man who arrived in the mid-1930s.

Just as Willie Uhlfelder at age eighteen took up the Nazi regime’s encouragement for Jews to emigrate, and proceed to walk into a series of department store jobs in America before, some years later, setting up a Palm Beach moving company, a chapter closed in Selma Schloss’ life when she left Germany for the last time in late 1930; within 18 months an anti-Jewish political movement was nearing power.


Summary of paternal ancestry for Daniel Uhlfelder, back to great-grandparent level:

(1) They were all German Jews. There is little-to-no sign of any Ostjuden within two centuries. There is sometimes a belief that it was specifically the Eastern European Jews, and their descendants, who were the real radicals and drivers of the cultural revolution of the 1960s, and that German-Jews were on the level of Barry Goldwater’s (half-)Jewish ancestry, people basically less interested in social upheaval or in attacking or undermining the system, or whatever set of behaviors they are supposed to engage in. I don’t know that we see much of a difference, starting with the Steve Uhlfelder generation at the least.

(2) Average weighted year of first-entry into the USA is: 1917. But this number deserves a heavy asterisk and the effective date is more like 1930. One great-grandfather was an Early Ellis Island arrival (at about age fifteen in 1888) BUT died about the same time his daughter was born, which means the daughter never knew him. Another great-grandmother was a Late Ellis Islander (arriving at about age nineteen in 1911) and she repeatedly traveled back and forth to and from Europe in the 1920s with her daughter. There were weak community ties here before the move to West Palm Beach in 1931. And really the more important entry-narrative is clearly the mid-1930s entry by Willie Uhlfelder “escaping the Nazis” (ashis son Steve Uhlfelder, the mega-lobbyist, put it).

(3) We also see that both Daniel Uhlfelder’s father and grandfather were active in Florida politics. Daniel Uhlfelder himself has slid into that role in our time, in a big way, though he will never be able to match his father’s (dubious) accomplishments as Florida’s number-one lobbyist, networker-extraordinaire, and occasional-agitator over a forty- of fifty-year span.

(4) Finally, we see that the Corona-fanatic Daniel Uhlfelder has direct “Holocaust ancestry,” with Holocaust list-compilers claiming the names of his great-grandparents, who are said to have died at Theresienstadt. In the U.S. culture in which Daniel Uhlfelder emerged into social-cultural-political consciousness in the late 1970s and 1980s, this was a big deal; he must have felt like a special person for having Holocaust ancestry, and his ever-active, ever-networking, ever-lobbying father was clearly interested in promoting the cause.



  • [Daniel Uhlfelder’s Mother]: Mary Mifflin Hollyday. Born May 1947. University of Florida graduate, 1969. Married Steve Uhlfelder in Aug. 1969, soon after she graduated; he had graduated a year earlier (wedding announcement in Palm Beach Post, June 22, 1969).

    • [Grandfather]: John Mifflin Hollyday, born 1905 in Baltimore. May not have finished high school. Worked as a salesman in the 1930s before a call-up to the U.S. Army in April 1941. He was swept up with the war-industry ramp up and soon became active with The Martin Company missile manufacturer in Denver in the 1950s.

      Married Marian Devine of New York in 1946. Lived in Ruxton, Maryland, circa mid-1940s to mid-1950s, then oved by by his employer at least twice, once to Colorado and then to Florida.

      John Mifflin Hollyday and family relocated to Orlando (from a posting to Colorado) in 1960. Mr. Hollyday was by then director of industrial relations for Martin Co.; the company later merged into Lockheed, its remnants remain with that defense-contractor powerhouse today. (Orlando Sentinel, Sept. 28, 1960.) They made a home in Winter Park, outside Orlando; eldest daughter Mary spent her high school years here.

      John Hollyday was an active Episcopalian and for a time was president of the United Way of Orange County, Florida.

      John Mifflin Hollyday died in Dec. 1977. (Obituary in Orlando Sentinel, Jan. 1, 1978.)

      • [Great-grandfather]: Henry Mifflin Hollyday, born 1883 in Baltimore. He was in the booming automobile business in the 1910s and died unexpectedly in 1920 in Baltimore. (Obituary in Baltimore Sun).

        Henry Mifflin Hollyday’s traceable all-branch ancestry all points to towards colonial-Maryland. Certainly the Hollyday line itself is colonial-Maryland, and was in Maryland by the mid-17th century. Grandparent surnames: Hollyday, Carvill, Chamberlain, Audoun.

      • [Great-grandmother]: Name given as “Anna Fendlay, of Virginia” in the genealogical compilation “The Hollyday Family of Maryland.” This may be Anne “Annie” Marcia Fenley/Finley (1872-1943) of Lynchburg and later Richmond, Virginia, first married to a William Hay Garnett (1866-1899) of Richmond and following first husband’s death remarried Maryland man Henry Mifflin Hollyday in the early 1900s.

        Grandparent surnames: Fendley, Burton, Lacey, Tyree. All lines in Virginia throughout the 19th century, presumably mostly or wholly colonial.
John Mifflin Hollyday, circa late 1950s
Mary Mifflin Hollyday, ca.1969

John Hollyday may well have been of entirely Maryland/Virginia colonial-era ancestry.

He was in the U.S. Army but unclear for how long, because by late 1941 he was in with the aeronautics industry with the company then known as Martin Co., later a missile manufacturer. He stayed with them until his 1970 retirement, and the company moved him to Orlando, a development which eventually put his daughter at the University of Florida where she met Steve Uhlfelder, who was already beginning a long career in politicking and influence-peddling (lobbying).

John Hollyday seems like the classic man of his time and place, a net positive influence on civic life all around him (e.g., as founder of Junior Achievement Association in Orlando, as head of county United Way charity group, as member of the Central Florida Development Committee), and a US Episcopalian back in a time when someone not on the political-cultural Far Left could be proud of the affiliation.

I find much less on his wife — the Corona-activist’s mother’s mother’s side, except the name Marian Devine.



  • [Daniel Uhlfelder’s Mother]: Mary Mifflin Hollyday. Born May 1947. (Married Steve Uhlfelder in 1969.)

    • [Grandmother]: Marian Devine, born 1917 in New York City, died 2002 in Florida. This much is certain, but who her parents were is not quite certain but after much searching I believe the following to be right correct parents (names, dates, ages, and places all match) (1930 and 1940 censuses). As of 1940 she was a “statistic clerk” at a department store living in the Bronx, New York City. Marian Devine was a high school graduate in the Bronx. (Married John Mifflin Hollyday in the mid?-1940s.)
      • [Great-grandfather]: John Devine. Born in Ireland in ca.1886. Stopped at school in late 1890s (the 1940 US Census claims he completed the equivalent of Fourth Grade). Arrived in the USA in 1910. He became a firefighter with New York Fire Department. Long resident of the Fordham area of the Bronx (a neighborhood which tipped into being majority Black by about the 1960s/70s, and has been supermajority Black for decades by now). In 1915, John Devine married an eighteen-year-old recent arrival from Ireland.

      • [Great-grandmother]: Mary ______. Born in Ireland ca.1897. Arrived in the USA in 1912. Completed equivalent of 8th grade in Ireland and did not apparently continue school after arrival in New York. As usual with genealogy work, maternal lines are harder to track and I cannot even determine the maiden name here, but Irish origin is certain.


Ancestral Summary

  • Summary of Daniel Uhlfelder’s father’s side: Entirely European Jewish, largely comparable to the paternal Uhlfelder line itself. The Uhlfelder surname shows up on the scene during Napoleonic-era Jewish Emancipation. They became merchants in Uhlfeld, Germany, and were part of a Jewish migration to a formerly quiet Lutheran town along a trade network in the heart of Germany. The Uhlfelders had over a century of this until the Corona-activist’s paternal grandfather arrived in the USA from Germany in or about 1934.

Daniel Uhlfelder’s grandmother was born in the NYC area but was back-and-forth to Germany several times growing up, becoming tied to the USA/Florida beginning only in 1931.

Through some of these European Jewish family ties, the Uhlfelders also embrace a Holocaust ancestry identity, and the Corona-activist’s father in particular is a Holocaust activist.

  • Summary of Daniel Uhlfelder’s mother’s side: Half colonial mid-Atlantic ancestry (overwhelmingly Virginia and Maryland), half late-Ellis-Island-era Irish(-Catholic?) ancestry.

The Corona-activist’s maternal grandfather in the mid-20th century worked for an aerospace company which later merged into Lockheed.

  • Summary of all-branch ethnoreligious ancestry for Covid-activist Daniel Uhlfelder:
    • Half German-Jewish,
    • one-quarter Mid-Atlantic US Colonial stock (Episcopalian affiliation in the 20th century for this element),
    • one quarter Irish-Catholic(?).
  • Educational ancestry: Both of Corona-activist Daniel Uhlfelder’s parents parents were highly educated, four-year college graduates, putting them in the top-30% for their age-cohort just by merit of having any Bachelor’s-level degree.

    The Corona-activist has at least one grandparent who attended college (Selma Schloss). Not much higher-education among US-tied great-grandparents.

    The Corona-activist’s father Steve Uhlfelder has a law degree (JD) from a good school, putting him around the top 5% of his age-cohort in educational achievement. Later, his son (i.e. Daniel Uhlfelder) also attended the same school, the University of Florida.


Uhlfleder versus DeSantis

Despite the efforts of his nemesis Daniel Uhlfelder, most political-watchers and pollsters now believe that Corona Anti-Panic stalwart DeSantis will easily win reelection in 2022. He is also well placed for a 2024 presidential run.

Uhlfelder’s “Remove Ron” and “DeathSantis” demonization-and-agitation campaigns were effective in keeping Panickers loyal to the Pro-Panic flag throughout 2020 and 2021 and cowing some Neutrals. The goals, or the effects at least, were higher than one man or one race.

Uhlfelder and his fellow Pro-Panic activist cadres’ messaging was perhaps especially influential away from Florida, roughly along the lines of this June 2020 political cartoon directly inspired by Daniel Uhlfelder’s own Pro-Panic “DeathDeantis” grim-reaper stunts.

In the course of a week, a typical low-info and diffident news-consumer might hear a few lines about Florida. If those words/memes/ideas end up being “cases alarmingly rising after crazy governor lifted restrictions against grassroots protests by those getting sick and dying”-type of news, low-info people at any given time may have believed Florida was a disaster (in fact there is no appreciable difference, it is middle-of-the-pack by most any measure), so alarming that outraged-but-heroic ordinary people are parading around in grim-reaper outfits to protest the Corona-Genocide. The takeaway is “we need the tender loving care of loyal pro-Science figures [i.e., CoronaPanickers] to recover.”

Daniel Uhlfelder’s stunts and tireless activism, which continues today, helped create the impression of a vast grassroots Pro-Panic consensus and the imagery of it all spread worldwide to the effect of: “Don’t be like Florida, that’s where the stupidly lifted lockdowns and masks and the bodies piled up on the beaches. It’s because of raging maniacs like Ron DeathSantis who want you killed. They should have stayed loyal and kept the Corona commandments…like us!”

Daniel Uhlfelder is also behind the series of anti-DeSantis Corona tv advertisements, one of which has been much mocked (not all the Pro-Panic ads are that bad) but really these are just one strategy among many they are using. Do not underetimate this man, Daniel Uhlfelder’, for his activism accumulated him hundreds of thousands of twitter followers from a small start, and what can only be billions in free advertising for his messaging.

Florida had to be punished for breaking ranks and rejecting the Corona-Panic. With a supposed “Trump guy” like DeSantis in the governor’s office, it was a lot easier to criticize the Florida anti-lockdown, anti-mandate, anti-Panic positioning than it was to criticize the Western European hero of the Corona era, Sweden, whose government is not at all manned by “Trump guys.”


Concluding thoughts

Daniel Uhlfelder has a fairly well-off background. He clearly modeled his life on that of his father, going into the practice of law in Florida just as his father did, even attending the University of Florida for law school, alma mater of both his parents, and where his father had earned a JD, becoming student body president along the way.

The junior Uhlfelder also followed his father into being attracted to the game of political influence and maneuvering, with some old-style agitation on the side to dash things up, and using moral-outrage as his stock-in-trade.

Our Uhlfelder (the Corona-activisrt), his father, and his grandfather were all ‘political’ people, all identified with the Democrats. The Corona Pro-Panic activist’s grandfather, Willie Uhlfelder, ran multiple political campaigns in the 1950s/60s for local office, and even used the phrase “hate groups” to describe opponents and critics, an interesting very-early use of that term and perhaps psychologically revelatory both to the grandfather himself, his ethnopolitical cohort at the time, and relevant to the “apples may not far too far from their trees” theory of understanding people which underlies this entire effort.

But why did Daniel Uhlfelder embrace the Corona-Panic and become a leading Pro-Panic activist?

I think there are several lessons here.

The Corona-Panic brought in with it a kind of political split from the start. Highly political people like Daniel Uhlfelder sensed this from early on, sensed the chance to exploit it. They were right. Many others of us were caught off guard, expected the Panic to pass, and gave ground throughout the critical weeks, and then found themselves outmaneuvered and trapped. Who outmaneuvered them? It wasn’t the extreme-hypochondriac wing of the Pro-Panic coalition. It was not the people who saw as appealing opportunity to grab a few weeks’ soft-vacation by throwing in with the Panic to get a “work from home” deal.

But there are multiple other lessons here. As to the social class and backgrounds of some of the most influential Pro-Panic activists — the men and women and nonbinaries who helped create the Panic’s initial momentum and breakthrough, but especially who policed the narrative to demand adherence to the Panic — there has been lots of talk on this, the idea of a Pro-Panic type being well-off and well-established, for whom major life-disruptions would affect only minimally. I think there is more to it, and that Daniel Uhlfelder’s biographical details may elucidate something of the type.

Daniel Uhlfelder, in educational terms (highly educated b.1940s parents), class terms (third-generation middle class or above), degree of politicization (high), and perhaps ancestral terms (three-quarters of ancestry arriving in the 20th century), we have someone who qualifies as the broad elite but also one not necessarily super-firmly rooted, especially the 20th-century-European-Jewish narratives that are all around his father’s side.

Yes, there is a Jewish angle here, and I don’t believe I have shied away from it. To be more direct about it: I would propose Steve Uhlfelder fits the archetype of the b.1940s/b.1950s Jewish radical in the United States and elsewhere, described by authors like Tom Wolfe even at the time. This is demonstrated by his influence in trying to induce the University of Florida to bow to Black students’ demands in the early 1970s, and much else about his biography.

And we have it from Daniel Uhlfelder himself that he identifies as Jewish, and not with the Episcopal or other Christian roots of his maternal side, so pay attention and do not neglect it.

It’s a complicated subject but there is clearly a Jewish mindset which is concerned about a too-strong, too-self-conscious White-Christian presence in society. Flashing forward to 2020, Daniel Uhlfelder saw Ron DeSantis as representative of the same type.

The contrast with DeSantis: His is of fully White-European-Christian origin (and a strongly identified Christian, at that), and he is formally speaking “in power” in that he occupies the governor’s mansion. DeSantis fits the same kind of role these presidents and board members at the University of Florida fit to Steve Uhlfelder in his time when he demanded they resign, or any of the other targets in Steve Uhlfelder’s long and lucrative lobbying career.

And yet! DeSantis own ancestry forms a distinct difference with Uhlfelder’s. Both are born in 1970s Florida, but DeSantis’ father was no lobbyist and no college guy, but a lifelong blue-collar man who once suggested the NBA ought to have a White player quota and a Black player cap at 13% to be fair on the principle of affirmative action (See “The ancestry of Ron DeSantis“).

There are various things going on here with Daniel Uhlfelder’s own psychology and sense of self, the early energies of the Corona-Panic in 2020, and the situation with DeSantis elected governor in 2018 even during a Democratic wave-year. It all merged gracefully into something about like this:

The Middle America rubes are just too stupid for their own good. They need to be guided by experts. We cannot let the rubes, rednecks, and Wal-Mart people make their own decisions! They’re too dangerouslty stupid they’ll get lots of us killed. We’ll guide them towards the One True Way, but we can also tighten the screws to excise the rubes’ many negative characteristics along the way.”

Viewed from a social-economic-cultural and public-health perspective, the Corona-Panic was an incredibly costly missed call and demands explanation.

The initial mega-scale missed call (which in March 2020 already I called “our Big Mistake“), eventually dug into a culture war between “sophisticated, masked, Science believers” vs. “uneducated, anti-Science, maskless rubes,” the rhetoric of which occasionally shifted based on the needs or trends of the moment but did not fundamentally change.

Although there were Corona Pro-Panic fanatics of all classes, my close look at nodal pro-Panic figure Daniel Uhlfelder leads me to the hypothesis that the whole thing (the Corona-Panic) could never have been sustained without a kind of ethno-religious-class prejudice. It is the adherers to this class prejudice which yielded many converts to the Corona Cult in spring 2020, which shored up support for the new religion and which gave us some highly surreal cultural moments these past two years. This angle made sure it dug in and did not disappear as quickly as it should have.

The idea that it was just to make sure Trump lost the November 2020 election fits here but the hard form of that theory cannot have been true given that a year later the Corona-Panic is still with us.

I think we are winding down here to a nice conclusion:

It need not necessarily have been a grand conspiracy, nor even a grand-scale mass delusion. There may be elements of both those things — and clearly low-info people and even many normally-high-info people were in a kind of techno-induced mass delusion (believing implausible info-bites fed them by screens and/or suspicious-and-unverifiable anecdotes, rather than their own experiences, which spiraled up and dug in with group-think) — but the critical factor was perhaps something else, from near the start, something psychological.

The simple conclusion, the critical thing about the whole thing, is this: The Corona-Panic is understandable as a major war waged by the US elite, or the broad elite, against its own people, or at least the core of its own nation. The extensions of the Corona-Panic elsewhere tended to follow wherever major US influence was found, and so the dominoes fell.

Put another way: To understand the CoronaPanic-as-social-phenomenon, you need first understand US domestic politics, how different subgroups within the US see their fellow residents and some of the resentments or fears that drive some of US politics and culture.

Sadly, the Corona-Panic social phenomenon will define the early 2020s, along with the CoronaPanic-induced breakout of mass racial violence and riots, but the direct damage by the Corona-Panic is much greater than a few billions’ in riot damages and a few tens of thousands institutions announcing they’ll be ramping up Anti-White Male discrimination policies of all sorts. The two ended up hand-in-glove allies in a strange way that someone with just facts-on-paper would not have predicted in 2019. The two were such natural allies specifically because they were both excellent tools to use against the troublesome people out there.


We now approach the two-year mark from when they first announced a “new virus” (Dec. 31, 2019?). It has been a bad two years, very bad, in all sorts of ways, and objectively so. Many may have been okay individually, but on aggregate this has been our lowest ebb of this century so far.

People talked themselves into the Corona-Panic, or simply caved into the pressure, snapped, or were broken (and some unfortunate subgroup of those ended up as Lockdown-/Panic-induced unnecessary deaths).

The ground was also partly seeded by new technologies and by higher-than-ever average ages, and a new religion was born. But we still unclear why people would cut their tether to reality and embrace something which, even at the time, had many the telltale signs of mass-delusion. Why they would stay with it when evidence was (at best) weak and weaker by the week. Why they would keep with the Panic after the core tenets were in essence disproved entirely (the “millions of deaths” scaremongering was effectively disproved in spring 2020 already), and rather than softening they just dug in harder with religious fervor.

This very close look at one of the major Corona Pro-Panic activists and enforcers is, I hope, a window into the kind of person who “dove in head first” and slopped around in the Panic and gained national and global fame for it. You can choose to write him off as just an anti-DeSantis demagogic figure using “the virus” as pretext to take down someone he dislikes.

I think there are deeper lessons for who is behind the Corona Pro-Panic coalition through who he is, how he sees himself and how he sees his place in the world. In other words, it’s true Uhlfelder is anti-DeSantis, but he is probably also independently Pro-Panic; the two merged together, and given his preexisting connections, he broke through as a major Pro-Panic figure. His Pro-Panic attitude may be drawn from ethno-cultural-political prejudices and inherited attitudes, and that may well be a scalable finding to other major Pro-Panic figures.



Update, July 2022:

Daniel Uhlfelder is running for attorney general of Florida in 2022.

See the comment section below for updates, including:


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68 Responses to On Daniel Uhlfelder, Corona-activist and Panic-pusher; an exploration into “why” some embraced the Corona-Panic

  1. Dieter Kief says:

    Long essay. I make a – maybe first – attempt, to answer your impressive historio-biographical essay about a prominent Floridian Corona-panic advocate, Mr. Hail.

    So – Daniel Uhlfelder***** obviously went: “Woke”-tribal. The fundamentalism that comes along with this mentality goes easily along with paternalism and – with censorship as part of the paternalist “responsibility for the sanity of the whole society” – of the rather dumb ones (like rednecks and hillbillies (and the black ghetto-folk) too).

    The other side is not treated as respectable but rather as dangerous, which is – fundamentally – undemocratic but looks justifiable not only because of the evilness of Donald Trump (and Ron DeSantis) but also because the Coronavirus caused an emergency of life and death – which the not so gifted tend to underestimate, which is why we have to help them by – turning down their volume (=censor them) – for their own good.

    We share a common ground in the analysis of the woke phenomenon Mr. Hail (which includes the Corona-panic) in that we both think it does have to do with religion too.

    Here are two public intellectuals, who think the same way: Jordan B. Peterson and eco-journalist Mike Shellenberger.

    To make this parallel a bit more visible: Religion tackles last questions, which can neither be solved nor be ignored (this is the core of religion: The existence of such questions as: Why does the world exist. Why is there joy .a.n.d. fear…).

    A Sane Society (Erich Fromm) takes these religious questions into account. Others don’t. – If you don’t take those questions into account, the answers they ask for might turn out to be destructive (see Corona-panic, the George Floyd cult, the Climate-panic…(there’s .a.l.w.a.y.s. reasons to panic).

    The two rather rational men here admit that – and make the connection to religion:

    ***** The name Uhlfelder hints at the owl in German – a bird of wisdom and oversight in the Geermanci folk-tales (philosopher Hegel famously referred to this bird in his magic lines that the Owl of Wisdom begins its flight at the dawning of the day (=wisdom can’t be had in full daylight = is never to be grasped too easily = wisdom lies beyond the obvious).

    • Hail says:

      RE: Dieter Kief

      “The name Uhlfelder hints at the owl in German – a bird of wisdom and oversight in the Geermanci folk-tales”

      Interesting point.

      Some wiki editor has this on the town from which the first ancestor took the name:

      “Die erste urkundliche Erwähnung des Hauptortes datiert aus dem Jahr 1123. Der Ort wurde damals mit „Ölenteuelt“ bezeichnet. Später wurde daraus [….] „Ulefelt“ (1181). Der Ortsname enthält als Bestimmungswort den Personennamen Ulito, der als Gründer des Ortes angesehen werden kann.”

      I suppose the “Ulito” connection is far too obscure; Names evolve and take on their own meanings or emotional-feels.

      The first man on Steve and Daniel Uhlfelder’s ancestral line to use this surname (dropping his birth name, Cohn) may have been an ancestor who lived 1775-1856, a merchant active in Mittelfranken and Oberfranken.

      (A brother of this “original Uhlfelder” took the new surname Rosenheimer; another took the surname Rosenfels; Uhlfelder, Rosenheim, and Rosenfels are all town names in southern Germany.)

      When choosing which surname to use after they burst on the scene in earnest in the early 1800s, “Uhlfelder” must have sounded good with this “owl/wisdom/oversight” connection.

    • Hail says:

      RE: Dieter Kief

      “The other side is not treated as respectable but rather as dangerous, which is – fundamentally – undemocratic but looks justifiable not only because of the evilness of Donald Trump (and Ron DeSantis) but also because the Coronavirus caused an emergency of life and death”

      Good point. This is a good and succinct theoretical framework to understand what I like to call the Corona-Panic.

      The passive grammatical form you choose to use (“the other side is not treated as…”) implies the tantalizing question:

      *Who* creates this attitude?

      Who enforces it? Who ‘polices’ the narrative? Who frames the debate? (and related questions including ‘how’ and ‘when’…)

      There was no no “Corona-Moses” descending from a “Mount Covidnai” and handing down stone tablets which include: “Thou shalt disrespect Ron ‘DeathSantis’ DeSantis.”

      There are no easy, one-word answers.

      • Dieter Kief says:

        Erich Fromm made this point time and time again: There are fields that don’t allow vacuums.
        So the dynamic might be: You either acknowledge that “we all wrestle with God” – as Jordan B. Peterson has it in the video above (and as Michael Shellenberger agrees) – or you are at least prone to act as if you were God (we are right – the other side is Satan).

        The idea to bow down to the fact, that you – whatever is the case – might be wrong and your opponent could be right – could in this regard be read as an innerworldy indicator that you indeed have understood what to believe in God means: To be willing to risk your viewpoint, by holding reasonable debates open for contradictions.

        In the end, it all boils down to Burke’s insight that if people turn away from the (Christian) God, that does (at least not automatically) make them rational human beings.

        If one side of the equation goes: God = existential (=intellectual) humbleness = the willingness to risk your point of view, then the (rather mild) form of the other side of this equation would read: Censorship = means to restrict debates to an either-or// us vs. them – and thus focussing not on the detective side of debates but on the manipulative/ instrumental side of them. Meaning: A good debate is not the one in which I am redy to fail (and thus am willing to learn) but a good debate is the one I succeed in.

        (This is not well thought out on my part, so I just note it here: The above could also be read in the light of the difference between the God in the Old and the New Testament.)

        The common ground between atheists and Christian thought would thus be the estimation of heterodoxy.
        Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin, Jonathan Haidt, Michael Shermer, Gad Saad, Jordan B. Peterson and Peter Boghossian are here by and large in the same boat. – In a debate between Rubin, Shermer, Saad, and Boghossian, the point is made that the status of heterodoxy as the foundation of free speech was what finally blew up the Intellectual Dark Web. – it turned out, that Rubin and his debaters are willing to make heterodoxy/open debates very strong (Joe Rogan argues this way too), whereas other IDW members were willing to put the fight against / the victory over Trump for example above heterodoxy and openness (what Gad Saad talks about using the term consequentialism/ consequentialists) – from ca. 19th minute up to 24 th minute in the video below

        Dave Rubin is here very close to Edmund Burke’s hint that societal (=mental) sanity does not go along automatically with the abolition of religion and / or God to – once again – express Burke’s scepticism in a mild way.

        (For the intertwinededness of rational thiking and open debates here and the Greco-Christian tradition not least there – see This Too a History of Philosophy by the late Jürgen Habermas).

        • Nobody says:

          Good writing. I was amazed the amount of research and the final conclusions you were able to reach, from Steve, to the politics and agendas. Even isolating this new religion and new coalition. It seems as if parties have split within groups reminiscent of the French Revolution and end of the Roman and Habsburg empires. You also, rightly so, raised a point that these groups are largely, fear based, which may be a mostly irrational movement. At no point however should this lack of reasoning be met with purely reason, especially when the latter has no intentions of making peace.


    • Anonymous says:

      But you realize that sort of leads to violence, correct? After all, any intelligent person can deduce that this virus indeed does not exist. After all, what proof is there of that? Two years and I’ve yet to see any… Goodluck on swaying the journalist though, I’m sure we will see more of his type rising through mainstream ranks. His writing far outpaces that of his contemporaries. And after all, it is obvious your antics, even comrades that look like comments on huff post articles.

  2. Adam Smith says:

    Thanks for the investigative journalism Mr. Hail,

    There is clearly a Jewish mindset which is actively working to minimize and marginalize the White-Christian presence in society. (Perhaps Maurice Samuel was right?)

    Here’s a video of Steve Uhlfelder at the Tallahassee City Commission meeting last night (10/27/2021). It seems Mr. Uhlfelder is uncomfortable with the police chief’s Christianity.

    Interestingly, the CoronaPanic-as-social-phenomenon transcends U.S. politics as it affects all the economic zones under the control of the anglo-zionist empire. The Corona-Panic is a war being waged by the western elite against the people of the world for economic and ideological purposes. As their influence is most powerful in the nations of the west it is the people of the west who the so called elites have been able to harm the most. (While I hope I’m wrong, I fear that many of the seeds of destruction that have been planted in the last nineteen months have not yet matured and will one day bear fruit.)

    That someone like Daniel Uhlfelder could become a star among the ProPanic fanatics and the regime media likely has to do with his proximity to a useful corona-denying heretic like DeSantis as well as his father’s political connections. If Daniel Uhlfelder were just some random guy wandering the beaches of the sunshine state wearing a reaper costume we never would have heard of him. If he were not politically connected and if he were not producing the sorts of images and messaging that the media wanted to support their narrative then he never would have been showered with so much media attention.

    Thanks for your diligence Mr. Hail.
    I hope you have a great day.

    • Adam Smith says:

      Lol… I forgot the link to the video…

      • Hail says:

        Re: Adam Smith

        That video is a good find, really an excellent supplement; Thank you!

        How many among us would go before a city council meeting to make such a complaint? That a local official had appeared at a Billy Graham Evangelistic Association event, or any kind of equivalent for any religious group?

        I note also that brief video reinforces some of the biographical and other points made about Steve Uhlfelder — he states outright “I am a devout Jew,” and that he is offended as a Jew; he says “my dad [Willie Uhlfelder] was a city commissioner in West Palm Beach”.

        The police chief responds firmly but meekly, playing defense. One of the city commissioners is the daughter of Christian missionary parents and also played defense. One can get a feel for how Steve Uhlfelder was such an effective lobbyist.

      • I also really appreciate your digging this up, Adam. Just the first 3 or 4 minutes with Steve Uhlfelder speaking give us the real flavor of what your first comment, and some of Mr. Hail’s post, is talking about.

        This guy should have no reason to be worried about the police chief’s attendance at a Christian event. He really seems to want to root out everything Christian in society. This goes back almost a century in America, to the time that Jewish students, or I should say, their parents, started to raise hell about the Christmas stories in public schools. One could agree that this is in violation of the Constitution. If so, yeah, it shouldn’t stand. However, the question is, why did they feel the need to upend society like this, when this society was as tolerant of them as any nation has ever been?

        You watch this guy, and you wonder if he is insane. I mean, it’s the serious non-denominational Christians that support Israel and the Jews more than anyone, yet here’s Steve Uhlfelder working with almost his last breath* to try to screw over this openly Christian Tallahassee Police Chief.


        * I mean, if Uhlfelder had had a face diaper on like the rest of the cucked-out panel, he’d likely have dropped dead right there. Seriously, the guy must have a heart or lung condition. I was feeling sorry for him … only for a while though.

        • Hail says:

          “here’s Steve Uhlfelder working with almost his last breath* to try to screw over this openly Christian Tallahassee Police Chief”

          I am guessing Steve Uhlfelder merely felt under the weather on speaking day and that he is still in good health. It happens in one’s mid-seventies. What we do know is he was still active in lobbying into early 2021. If he has declined in 2021.

          If feeling unwell or particularly tired (a ‘flu-like’ symptom!), many among us would have dropped a scheduled city-council visit speaking as a private citizen under the open-mic policy, or rescheduled it for the next meeting. But not Steve Uhlfelder. He was determined to get in the jab (boxing metaphor, not vaccine metaphor) which might induce a resignation, or a firing, of a likely-right-wing White-Christian police chief.

          From the genealogy work I compiled here, I notice Steve’s father, Willie Uhlfelder, died young at only age 55 in Dec 1971 (of cancer).

          Thinking about these timelines: Now that I make the connection, I realize that Steve Uhlfelder was active in politics as University of Florida student body president while his father was in his final year of life.

          Willie Uhlfelder’s grandparents (Steve’s paternal great-grandparents) apparently died during WWII in an internment camp, while in their sixties. No one has ever alleged mass killings at the camp at which they were interned. Dying during internment (Josef Uhlfelder, the grandfather, died right during the supply-chain collapse of late 1944) may also indicate poor health.

          Perception of poor family health like this may have been another motivating factor behind embracing the Corona-Panic, even if with Daniel Uhlfelder I believe signs point to its being mainly political.

      • I also meant to add something that first seemed off-topic, but is not at all O/T as far as the over-arching theme of the PanicFest goes.

        If you watch the rest of the video, the face masks on everyone but the cop (and Mr. Uhlfelder at the beginning) are just too stupid to want to keep looking at, and they do impede communication. Then, there’s the inherent wokeness of the whole crowd, including the Police Chief.

        I think I’ll write a short blog post about this video. Synergy, Mr. Hail and Mr. Smith! Thanks to you both.

    • Hail says:

      RE: Adam Smith

      “That someone like Daniel Uhlfelder could become a star among the ProPanic fanatics and the regime media likely has to do with his proximity to a useful corona-denying heretic like DeSantis as well as his father’s political connections.

      If Daniel Uhlfelder were just some random guy wandering the beaches of the sunshine state wearing a reaper costume we never would have heard of him.”

      Great point, clearly and succinctly made. I highlight it here as it may not have been made explicitly enough in the main essay here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good point, his connections and willingness to play along raise some key issues.

    • Anonymous says:

      But you realize that sort of leads to violence, correct? After all, any intelligent person can deduce that this virus indeed does not exist. After all, what proof is there of that? Two years and I’ve yet to see any… cheers shmuck

  3. That deep background information on Daniel Uhlfelder and his family tree is very important information for the understanding of his political attitudes. I will add to the good comments by Mr. Kief and Mr. Smith, those this is more in line with Mr. Smith’s comment.

    As you, Mr. Hail, noted in the Ron DeSantis post, it’s family, cultural, and peer influence that does affect one’s political views, along with genetics. For Florida Chief-Panicker Uhleflder (can I call him that to counter “Governor DeSantis”?) it’s hard to separated the Jewish cultural influence from the family influence. That’s because there are great left-wing tendencies in the Jewish culture. One might be forgiven for thinking there’s a genetic component even.*

    From my knowledge, some experience, and some knowledge of immigration history, I would agree with those who say the Jews from Eastern Europe were the ones with the most lefty, often Communist culturally-ingrained political views. For Jewish people in general, though, there is a save-the-world “gene”. Unfortunately, without the wisdom gained from living a long while, or some real assimilation with the general population, this great urge is often focused in a bad direction. (For some, that is the case even AFTER living a long while!) Florida CP Daniel Uhlfelder grew up with a Dad who himself had grown up with that. By the 3rd generation, it must have been a big part of life. Then, Steve Uhlelder, the Dad, was in the “right place at the right time” – on campus during the worst of the lefty and racial turmoil.

    Son Daniel is simply following in his father’s footsteps. I also would add to your discussion, Mr. Hail, that even though one hears of the pushy Jewish Moms**, Dads are a big part of sons’ lives in the Jewish culture, maybe just in different ways than in American Gentile culture, with the political example setting carrying over. I wonder if son Daniel has latched onto the BLM movement, as a rehash of his Dad’s “work”. Maybe you know something about this from all your reading.

    His big crusade has been this PanicFest, as we know. It’s just so Bizzaro-Worldly that the man could make a video like the one we’ve discussed, while at the same time being anything but shy in bringing up his family members involved on the bad side of the Holocaust. These people are just so far down Alice-in-Wonderland’s rabbit hole to be sore about the Nazis of 80 years ago while pushing ideas that are as Totalitarian as anything the Nazis ever thought of. (Oh, and let’s not bring up the Commies because, … nobody likes to admit they supported the wrong side.)


    * This is something that I will give Ron Unz a great deal of credit for investigating in one his long articles. This was an old one, in which he made the attempt (seemed pretty successful to me) to refute an argument I have made before that the Chinese people may have gained better memorization abilities due to that nearly 2 millennia-long history of needing to learn 3 or 4 THOUSAND many-squiggled characters just to be literate! See, in their culture, it’s not the government workers that have been on the high end of the spectrum – the stupidity spectrum that is. Therefore, would not the ability of people with better memorization ability to live better and have more chance of a family be an example of natural selection?

    OK, that is a big digression. That’s why I make footnotes!

    ** … and, of course, Daniel Uhlfelder didn’t have one – I don’t know about pushy, but not Jewish.

    • Hail says:

      Re: Peak Stupidity

      “even though one hears of the pushy Jewish Moms**, Dads are a big part of sons’ lives in the Jewish culture, maybe just in different ways than in American Gentile culture, with the political example setting carrying over”

      I believe names matter are can be great clues on people. Often at least as signals of the named-child’s identity, as it emerges in the years it grows into maturity.

      Some of the media reporting on Daniel Uhlfelder during his Corona-stardom has him as “named after his grandfather,” Willie Uhlfelder, who “escaped Germany” in about 1934.

      The Corona-activist’s full name is Daniel Will Uhlfelder. His middle name is his grandfather’s first name. I note he chose: @DWUhlfelderLaw as his Twitter handle, i.e., he included the ‘W.’

    • Hail says:

      One more thing on fathers vs. mothers:

      At some point, it seems Steve Uhlfelder and his wife (born Mary Mifflin Hollyday) divorced. I don’t know when. Perhaps circa late 1970s or 1980s, and therefore perhaps in our subject’s formative years.

      If adult-age ethnoreligious identity were a weighted dice-roll based totally on ancestral-percentages, Daniel Uhlfelder should have had a 50% chance of being a Christian, not someone who, by his own statements, strongly identifies as Jewish (ctrl-f in the essay for “JTA”).

      This is a big issue and risks breaching into a taboo, around which prudence tells us to tread carefully. But I just ask this:

      What role might divorce have played?

  4. Also, thank you, Mr. Hail, for linking to the Peak Stupidity post.

    • Hail says:

      Well, the immediate inspiration for this effort was two things:

      (1) your original post on Daniel Uhlfelder and

      (2) the suggestion by several people, including at the Peak Stupidity comments section, that a Pro-Panic parallel to the Ron DeSantis historio-biographical approach (to use Dieter Kief’s useful term) could be useful.

      And, so, I thank you!

  5. hermod says:

    This was a great one. I read in two long sittings. It goes way beyond COVID.

    Did you know Daniel Uhlfelder started a podcast series in 2020? “The Make My Day Podcast with Daniel Uhlfelder.” Tagline: “On a mission to fight bad actors, Daniel Uhlfelder faces today’s issues head on in an insightful manner.”

    You may want to track it down. I listened to one.

  6. Jared Polty says:

    Can we have some intellectual honesty please?

    When you colour the opposition as pro-panic, you throw any guise or semblance of objectivity out of the window. Today, more than a year and a half after the pandemic started, virtually no voices are pushing panic. Words have meaning, and either you are being loose with your words, or deliberately trying to dismiss your opposition via dishonest characterisation. Otherwise known as the straw man argument.

    There is a varied landscape of positions ranging from social Darwinist ‘let the chips fall where they may and do very little to combat the spread’… to let’s use every tool in the box to try to slow the spread while maintaining enough economic activity to avert a serious economic crisis.

    Jumping in with crass characterisations of ‘pro-panic’ does a disservice to the actual problem at hand. There are adults in this conversation, and their positions are nuanced and far from the extremes. If you want to show yourself to be one of those adults: engage with the nuanced opposition instead of the extreme.

    To briefly address your conclusion, to wit: “The simple conclusion, the critical thing about the whole thing, is this: The Corona-Panic is understandable as a major war waged by the US elite, or the broad elite, against its own people, or at least the core of its own nation.”…

    …I think you need to be brought back to Earth. The death toll within the United States is now at least 750,000 people. Just a few weeks from now, DOUBLE the amount of Americans will have died from covid than died fighting in World War 2, and in HALF THE AMOUNT OF TIME. And this covid death toll is not HIGHER, only because of what you call the ‘panic’, and which cooler-heads would call varying degrees of prophylactic measures.

    You speak of a major war (major, no less), when the disease itself is obviously the real killer here. The ‘elites’ didn’t kill those people. The virus did. Face the reality. Are there political agendas swirling around this primary tragedy? Of course there are. But if your fretting over those agendas has caused you to lose sight of the actual massive mortality in this country, I suggest you consider the possibility that you need to get a bit of a grip.

    Have the courage to engage with specific measures you agree or disagree with, and present the science to back your positions. You decry that the issues have been cast in terms of pro-science folks and anti-science rubes, but your own post perpetuates the polarisation by allowing for no nuance in your opposition short of panic, and by offering no engagement with the reality of the massive death toll, nor with the science involved. You spend more time fussing over questions of “Jewish mentality” than you do over any pragmatic fact assessment of the pandemic itself and our response to it. Even a racist should be able to step back and see they might be taking their obsession too far, when the genealogy and Jewishness of an opponent is somehow more important than 750,000 dead fellow Americans.

    • Peterike says:

      “Today, more than a year and a half after the pandemic started, virtually no voices are pushing panic.”

      So what do you call vaccinating five year olds then, if not “panic”? What do you call firing people for not getting Das Jab, if not “panic”? What do you call vaccine passports, if not “panic”?

      “There are adults in this conversation, and their positions are nuanced and far from the extremes.”

      Can you tell me the planet you live on? It sounds nice, but it’s certainly not THIS planet.

      “The death toll within the United States is now at least 750,000 people.”

      Still believing the numbers, even now? And even accepting that number, so what? It’s an otherwise unnoticeable blip in the population. In fact, the population has continued to go up, that’s how “terrible” the death toll is.

      “DOUBLE the amount of Americans will have died from covid than died fighting in World War 2”

      This is a stupid comparison. 700K people die from heart disease EVERY YEAR, year after year. Do you go around shouting how that’s DOUBLE the amount of WW2!!!

      “And this covid death toll is not HIGHER, only because of what you call the ‘panic’, and which cooler-heads would call varying degrees of prophylactic measures.”

      There is no evidence, none, that the “prophylactic measures” did anything whatsoever. You are making a baseless assumption to make yourself feel better about demanding completely useless actions and ruining millions of lives FOR NOTHING.

      ” The ‘elites’ didn’t kill those people. The virus did.”

      The virus, which was created via paid research by… the elites!

      “But if your fretting over those agendas has caused you to lose sight of the actual massive mortality in this country”

      Once again, the mortality is not massive. Had the media and politicians simply ignored Covid from the start — as they should have — other than taking a few extra efforts in nursing homes, you would not even have known anything different was happening. There were no over-run hospitals. No bodies piled up in the streets. It was an otherwise unnoticeable event.

      “You spend more time fussing over questions of “Jewish mentality” than you do over any pragmatic fact assessment of the pandemic itself and our response to it”

      Project much? Maybe you should start by actually understanding the facts, rather than the narrative.

      “when the genealogy and Jewishness of an opponent is somehow more important than 750,000 dead fellow Americans”

      You are, of course, Jewish.

    • Hail says:

      RE: Jared Polty

      The numbers became too highly politicized to mean much.

      The method of counting “Covid deaths” was problematic from early on, and has never been used for any other flu virus before. Even at best we are in apples-to-oranges territory there.

      A fair evaluation of the numbers is that the flu-wave associated with Wuhan-Corona in 2020-21 is, age-adjusted, equal to peak flu events that come 1x-to-2x-per-decade. This means a man in his late seventies would be expected to have lived through around 10 to 15 such flu-events, generally unaware of any of them. Flu viruses circulate; life goes on.

  7. Peterike says:

    Right when the Corona-fest started, I was saying there’s a good deal of Jewish neurosis behind it. Back in the 50s and 60s, Jews in America used to be famous for their hypochondria. It was a staple of Jewish comedy (see early Woody Allen films for some examples). Jews were noted for loving to talk about their latest ailments. I remember the old Jewish people sitting around having coffee in my house when I was a kid talking (and in a weird way bragging) endlessly of their doctor visits.

    Right at the start, the Jewish blogger Lion of the Blogosphere had a complete meltdown over Covid. Radio “personality” Howard Stern has been fanatical all along. Even Ron Unz, that most practical minded Jew, was overwhelmed by hypochondria. It’s a genetic trait in many ways, not a learned thing, though Jewish culture used to emphasize it a lot. Blue check Twitter is of course full of examples, and some of the more famous pro-panic bluechecks are Jewish paranoiacs.

    Out of control medical paranoia is not a good thing among your cultural elites, but that’s where we are.

    • Hail says:

      Didn’t Lion of the Blogosphere (formerly known as Half Sigma, I think) delete his website after his Corona-meltdown? Or banned Anti-Panic commenters, something like that. Then came back.

      Checking up on him, he is still insisting he was right to take the Pro-Panic line in early 2020.

      He wrote in August 2020:

      “[T]he cost of a bozo in the White House is 170,000 dead from the virus, and America’s international reputation shattered. […] Trump supporters are totally unconcerned about 170,000 dead from the virus. And with Trump at the helm, 170,000 is likely to become 400,000 before he leaves office.”

    • Hail says:

      From article:

      “The vaccine-induced pandemic could have spiraled out of control, but Japan decided to do something different than the U.S. and other failing nations that depend solely on vaccines and masks. In September, the nation deployed ivermectin and began treating patients with more dignity.”

      This seems like right-wing Corona-demagoguery to me from author Lance Johnson.

      I may not disagree with his points taken individually, but he IS making a big mistake. He is falling into the trap of inflating the importance of this one flu(“-like illness”) virus, implicitly ceding the need to DO SOMETHING. T

      his is the fundamental mega-error so many well-meaning people have made for two years. The problem is, “it sells.”

      The truth appears to be more mundane. There is evidence the mid-2021 wave in Japan was falling on its own, as all flu waves do.

      Wuhan-Corona “R0” in Japan (apparently) as calculated by Japan Health Ministry:
      – June 26, 2021: “R0” rises above 1.0 for the first time in six weeks.
      – July 14, 2021: “R0” rises above 1.25.
      – PEAK. Late July, early Aug: “R0” is above 1.75 for several days.
      – Aug. 10, 2021: “R0” falls below 1.25.
      – Aug. 29, 2021: “R0” falls below 1.0.

      Japan’s bad luck in our neverending-Corona-demagogue world:

      Tokyo hosted the Olympics, July 23 to Aug 8.

      A point I have made before: other Olympics have certainly been held under approximately-equal local/regional/global strong flu waves, of similar age-adjusted severity —- and no one cared, nor noticed, nor even much knew about it. (Likely the Mexico City Oct 1968 Olympics, to take an easy one, a named “pandemic” which has gotten much publicity, after being long forgotten, in the Corona-Panic era.)


      In any case, remember that “R0” below 1.0 indicates a non-epidemic stage (flu wave), the end of the wave. If they started using ivermectin in September, that is already many weeks after the peak of Japan’s summer-2021 flu wave.

      September is also after the reproduction-rate (R0) fell below 1.0 by this calculation, which indicates the end of the flu wave before Sept 1, and Corona-success in our wasteful game of flu-virus-obsession and tracking (itself a socially unhealthy game to be stuck in). The flu wave faded therefore, based on this evidence, not by a post-infection treatment (like ivermectin) but because infections themselves fell off, if we trust that R0 calculation. It was a classic natural flu wave mainly in Greater Tokyo, lasting around four to six weeks at a perhaps-noticeable level, as usual and as expected, except the unusual timing in summer.

  8. Hail says:

    Additional commentary on the Uhlfelders with special focus on the town council video Adam Smith found and posted above:

    Florida Panicker-in-Chief Daniel Uhlfelder, his Dad, and family traditions,” Peak Stupidity, Nov. 13, 2021.

  9. Mike Tre says:


    I haven’t checked your site in a while and am happy to see you’ve returned. I hope to see you one day return to the UNZ comment section to provide a much needed calm and rational voice to the corona debacle, Haven’t read the whole article above yet, but Uhlfelder appears to be another vile anti West agitator born of that very specific privilege and specializing in weaponized victimization.

    • Hail says:

      Mike: Good to hear from you.

      I check in with Unz sometimes but I haven’t gotten around to commenting again, even though I tell myself I will and/or should.

      Steve Sailer seems to have dropped the Corona issue entirely, rarely mentioning it anymore even as the Corona-Panic continues to dominate headlines and policy and disrupt life, and as measurable evidence for the damage the Panic has done continues to come out.

      For example, many of us predicted in the early lockdown era in spring 2020, and then stated outright based on early data by around late 2020, that drug-overdose deaths spiked to all-time highs under the Corona-Panic regime. This week the US government finally got around to announcing that we of the Anti-Panic side were right on that one, too.

      It looks to be at least exceed +50,000 net overdose deaths in the two years of Corona-Panic, over the already-high late-2010s average. When thinking about expected-life-years-lost and life-role terms (children losing a prime-age father vs. losing an aged and ill grandfather), is around the same total social hit as the Wuhan-Corona flu wave itself. Drug overdose deaths are one of Steve Sailer’s bread-and-butter issues (“White Death”) but he seems uninterested in why they spiked in 20202-1.

      Sailer transitioned at some point to what was John Derbyshire’s position all along: Conscious absence of “Covid” talk from his rolling social-cultural-political commentary. But Sailer silence is not the same as admitting error, and I don’t think he has fully (publicly) reassessed and admitted the mistake of siding with the Panic-pushers in 2020, which others have done. He has left us only with hints or insinuations about his possible change-of-hear. It seems he has tactically criticized the Pro-Panic side at times throughout much of 2021, which he would have done us all a great service by doing from the start.

      Ron Unz himself is still in character with the basic line he took in early 2020, though as someone, I think the commenter Mr. Anon once wrote, Unz will probably come out with a long essay in about 2025 which starts with these words: “I never paid much attention to the Corona Virus, busy as I was at the time with various software projects, but recently I was shocked to find out that…………… [insert Corona Anti-Panic side’s basic points from 2020].”

      When thinking about these people, I am reminded of something I wrote on in early 2021: “Where are the high-profile opinion-leaders for the Corona Anti-Panic side?” (Feb. 2021) (2500 words).

      It does seem there are many more of them (Anti-Panic high-profile opinion-leaders) now in mid- and late-2021 than there were in 2020. But it’s still not enough to make much of a difference. I recently saw a supposedly right-leaning, ex-military figure in a public forum mock people who “get their medicine from veterinarians” and mocked Covid-vaccine skeptics. This is still the consensus position in late 2021.

      • Dieter Kief says:

        This Corona subject is very touchy. I mean – unknown little creatures stemming from bats, maybe a little bit manipulated  in a Chinese lab – who wants such stuff to go down his throat – and who wants to oppose the incredibly huge and modern machinery known as Big Pharma, which gives people hope, that something can be done against these awful bugs, too small that they can even bessen, felt or tasted.

        And how fast is it, that you can say something wrong and be the global village idiot a few seconds later – for all time to come, because the internet does not forget anything. So – no comfortable room for the usual suspects of public discourse.

        But plenty of room for courageous outsiders like the Governors of South Dakota and Florida. Like Mr. Hail above. Like Ivor Cummins, who I think rises to prominence in Europe.

        Like the humorous and self-mocking retired Swiss virologist and very influential anti-panicker Professor Beda M. Stadler. Outsiders like Joe Rogan. Not to forget Lisa Booth in newsweek

        Why I’m Not Vaccinated | Opinion (newsweek.com)

        and not to forget Martin Kulldorff et. al. of the Great Barrington Declaration and the Brownstone Institute and – : – The Swedes and lots of Swiss rebels who are preparing a vote of the Swiss public over Corona measures for the 28th of November. But it’s not only them: There are many more non- or anti-panickers in Switzerland.

        The Unz Revie ist interesting. But why not accept that not every subject is well thought trough on every platform? – Platforms have their fates too. Their ups and downs. As do columnists and talkshow hosts etc. This too is only natural (=normal).

        • Hail says:

          Thank you, Mr Kief, for the kind words.

          I understand the point on “the Internet is forever,” but a very large majority of content ever posted online has been lost one way or another.

          One of those ways is overt censorship, and Corona Anti-Panic voices have definitely have had their material deleted repeatedly, often followed a few months later by the deleted material being admitted or confirmed by “public health authorities”…!

      • Mike Tre says:

        Thanks for the reply Hail. Your observation of Sailer is spot on, although I think his vanity is a bit bruised and that contributes to his sudden silence on the issue. Unz continues to push his Kovid Konspiracy angle which I’m mostly* benign about, however it’s his continuing to smear vaccine skeptics with the ridiculous “anti-vaxxer” slurthat irritates me not just because of the extreme dishonesty attached to the word but the fact that Unz is an intelligent man yet continues to mock dissidents of the corrona narrative on a website that was at least in part meant to give a fair voice to dissidents on all topics. Look forward to reading your continued efforts. Thanks again!

        *the idea that covid is a bio weapon is absurd merely based on the results. It kills only old and unhealthy people already close to death. If it is a truly a bio-weapon then it’s the biggest bio-warfare fail of all time.

  10. Hail says:

    A little on the “Big V” Question with shades of other themes from the Uhlfelder investigation.

    A tech billionaire named Steve Kirsch has recently emerged as an anti-Vaccine figure (see https://stevekirsch.substack.com/). We can place him loosely affiliated with the more general Corona Anti-Panic side (as we have known it for around 22.5 months, as of this writing).

    Kirsch is highly focused on vaccines and less on other aspects of the Corona-Panic problem. Some of his writings are styled sensationalistically but all are based on data-analysis and other lines of evidence, They corroborate work being done elsewhere, which has been under discussion for months now, all strangely ignored by Pro-Panic politicos who keep passing vaccine mandates anyway.

    Having read through some of Steve Kirsch’s work, let me summarize, or synthesize, some of his numbers or the implications of his numbers. His numbers are based on careful reviews of datasets now available. Take it as a given that there is uncertainty here, but all decision-making exists under a fog-of-war. Good data-collection is a defogging operation, and partly succeeds in clearing the view we now have.

    First: Relative risk of the wuhan-corona injections (marketed as vaccines) for Under-20s.

    Second: Relative risk of the vaccines for over-20s.

    Third: A “we told you so” on vaccines, namely their being an unnecessary risk for most people (even though good for the most at-risk).

    Fourth: A brief bio of Steve Kirsch and brief thoughts on his place in the Corona-Panic struggle and comparing him with Daniel Uhlfelder and Ron Unz.


    The “BIG V” and YOUTH

    Chance of an under-20 dying of (stressing ‘of’) “Covid”: around 1-in-1,000,000 (one in a million), maybe even lower.

    Chance of an under-20 dying of vaccine side effects: up to 1-in-10,000 (one in ten thousand).

    = The (so-called) Vaccine here is around 100x more dangerous for children and teenagers than the much-promoted Wuhan-Corona-virus itself. Possibly it could be higher still, say 150x or 200x, but being more precise is hard for several technical reasons.

    There is reason to believe the deaths may hit young males several time harder than young females in terms of inducing death outright, but some low percentage of young women may also end up with damage to their reproductive system.

    A large city with 500,000 under-20s living in it would have 0-2 virus deaths among under-20s, but under an aggressive full-vaccination program may have dozens of vaccine deaths among the same group.

    In North America and Europe as a whole, this means — out data to-date suggests — expected vaccine deaths among under-20s would be in in the high tens of thousands (perhaps exceeding 100,000), under 100% vaccination, all preventable by simply not giving the vaccine to those who don’t need it.


    The “BIG V” and ALL AGES

    Steve Kirsch’s data implies around 0.1% of over-20s who take the vaccine may die from its effects, potentially up to 0.2%, but it is hard to pin this down given that there is no smoking-gun cause-of-death or test to perform on the deceased (“Mr Jones was wuhan-corona-positive at time of death, toss his name in the Master List!”).

    These figures (0.1% or 0.2%) already approaching the totals for Wuhan-Corona direct virus deaths.

    Even if the “direct, virus-caused deaths” number is larger, it’s not much larger and are on the same order of magnitude for sure.

    To the extent the vaccines helped, and certainly they do help some people, we can see the whole as having “traded” deaths. Without the (so-called) vaccine, some more would have died of wuhan-corona-flu, but others would have lived who died of reactions to the vaccine. This is a tradeoff lifted from an ethical dilemma (see: trolley problem).

    Steve Kirsch and others (prolific blogger Karl Deninger has been screaming this since around early summer, I think) have said vaccine deaths may well outnumber wuhan-corona-deaths by the end, especially if the tide is not turned and several rounds of aggressive “boosters” get injected.

    We add these “vaccine deaths,” therefore to the other Lockdown-induced, recession-induced early deaths which have occurred so far, which will occur in coming years, and the babies not born due to the sudden falloff in births after the Panic began and lasting for a year already, though almost recovering in some places.



    This is a perfect demonstration of what some of us on the Anti-Panic side have been saying since Corona-Panic chatter shifted to vaccines in late 2020 and early 2021.

    What we were saying: there is a theoretically calculable age-and-condition line below which the benefit is too low and the risk too high to get the experimental vaccine.

    It probably is a good idea for the weakest, but was always and all along likely a bad idea for under-40s, and may even be a bad idea for under-70s who are in otherwise good health. There are a lot of uncertainties here and we cannot make pronouncements on a precise “age-condition line,” but a line around age 55 or 65 or even as high as 75 are all reasonable estimates.

    Absolute numbers are relatively low, and contradicts some of the more extreme views on the vaccines as some kind of major population-killoff mechanism. It’s “only” 0.1% or so who will die of corona-vaccine-induced injury.

    But an injection inducing around 1 in 1000 to an early death and up to 25 in 1000 to some kind of injury (most of which resolve on their own) (this per Karl Denninger and extrapolation from VAERS), this kind of injection would NEVER have received approval absent the Corona-Panic, the mighty social force that it has been for two years, the issue of our time.



    b.1956. Jewish. Grandparent surnames: Kirsch, Moscowitz, Edelman, Kister — all four born in Poland, all four lines consolidated in the NYC area by the early 20th century.

    Steve Kirsch’s parents were both born in New Jersey in the 1920s. At sometime perhaps in the 1940s they went to Los Angeles (where they married in 1953), residing in Hollywood, where Steve Kirsch was born. The young Steve Kirsch (earned MS degree, MIT, 1980) became a tech-millionaire in the 1990s. He remains today very wealthy.

    Kirsch therefore shares several key background and temperamental traits with Ron Unz. They seem to diverge on attitudes on the Corona-Panic. He shares certain temperamental traits also with the CoronaPanic-pusher Uhlfelders. His substack is entirely attack oriented against the vaccines and vaccine-pushers, with several about the vaccine-induced injury he says he can prove befell California’s governor Newsom. He is much less interested in other Anti-Panic lines of attack.

  11. Dieter Kief says:

    The reason to vaccinate kids (and younger ones in general) is to allow them to meet older people (relatives not least) without infecting them.
    Another dilemma.
    Anders Tegnell and Johan Giesecke in Sewden thus both spoke strongly for the vaccination and in the case of Giesecke for the mass-vaccination of kids.
    Steve Kirsch is an interetsing case. Thanks for looking into his Covid work.

  12. Hail says:

    Corona-Panic news:

    Austria draws much negative attention today for going into crazy Corona-paranoiac mode under new chancellor, shoving on more arbitrary lockdowns and making the injections mandatory.

    “Mandatory” means threats of severe fines for any resisters, in addition to locking them out of civic life, a 2010s-era Alex Jones fever-dream come true. (Knowing the Pro-Panic side by now, how high do we guess the fines will be?)

    Starting Feb 2022:

    “Corona-related mRNA injections are to become –compulsory–, and everyone shall have to show their compliance papers to be allowed to participate in society.”

    (quote from C. J. Hopkins, the Corona Anti-Panic US journalist, essayist, and playwright living in Germany).

    Austria is said to have one of the lowest rates of vaccination in Western Europe. These mandates ignore that vaccinated people either spread the virus at similar rates or possibly higher rates (dissident view) than nonvaccinated.

    Two Pro-Panic agitators co-writing at Politico.eu, Cornelius Hirsch and Lukas Kotkamp, praise the decision and criticize the “widespread skepticism [of the corona vaccines] in German-speaking countries — in particular in regions where parties of the political far right that have campaigned against pandemic restrictions…”

  13. Dieter Kief says:

    Austria tested at least (!) ten times more than Germany in the last weeks. – Same old same old: Increase the number of tests and you get more cases.
    This is an effective .m.e.t.h.o.d. , how to knock-out yourself…

    German economist Stefan Homburg knows a lot about Covid; he points out the highly inflated number of Austrian Covid-tests:

    Meanwhile in Ireland: Ivor Cummins reports, that the Ireland-wide touted as .c.a.t.a.s.t.r.o.p.h.i.c. number of unvaccinated people in intensive care is 15. In words: Fifteen.*****

    *****The official number is 45 but Cummins finds good reasosons to subtract thrity from this number because there are most likely thirty amongst the fortyfive unvaccinated that can’t and/or should not be vaccinated for medical reasosns. An important and quite resonable point. – For deatails, plaese go to Ivor Cummin’s twitter thread.

    • Hail says:

      This Austrian farce is, as expected, a repeat of many tired Corona-Panic lines coming together.

      No one learns, or no one wants to learn.

      Cf. the Corona-is-a-literal-Religion hypothesis.

      On the other hand, it’s hard to take even extreme conspiracy theories “off the table,” because surely no leaders are THIS stupid? Far above now the expected stupidity arc as given at PeakStupidity.com.

  14. Hail says:

    (This is a reply to Adam Smith above:)

    It appears, then, that Austria’s plans to righteously punish Corona-heretics are these:

    He who declines the holy experimental-injections for a flu virus, and who also refuses a “vaccine status check” by Austrian g-men, shall be hit by fines equaling 1950 Euro ($2200 USD).

    (Might the numbers increase as necessary? Repeat fines for repeat offenses. If four injections becomes the standard of The Science, each dose missed the Vaccine-refuser could be fined separately (500 Euro x 4 = 2000 Euro), and multiple cases of vaccine-status-check refusal may also be added together (three open refusals = 1450 Euro x 3 = 4350 Euro) , possibly meaning the worst offenders get total fines in the higher thousands, no small money to most people.)

    If the Corona-rebel refuses to pay this Corona-fine, or if he is unable to pay it, said Corona-rebel shall be arrested. The arrest shall be performed by masked-and-full-vaccinated Corona-marshals, specially empowered under Corona-law, and well armed to prevent Corona-Denier terrorism. The offender shall then be put in jail for evil Corona-crimes.

    If the offender becomes a ward of the state and loses his civil liberties by being in jail, will the Pro-Panic (apparent) majority in their parliament pass a law to the effect that the state is empowered to righteously inject with the Vaccine those bitter Corona-deniers who legally lose their civil rights by getting a legal jail sentence for Corona-crimes–?

    Does the edict apply also third, fourth, fifth, sixth doses? (“Listen, Covid-Denier, it’s many doses as necessary as long as the apocalyptic CORONA-TERROR-VIRUS is still out there!!! And as long as you Unvaccinated virus-terrorists are still among the living!”)

    I mean the above two paragraphs as satire, but the uncomfortable thing is I realize they are not at all fully satirical, rather they are plausible. If they’ve gone as far as lockdowns, would they also toss aside medical ethics and physically force the injections on Corona-internees, if it comes to it?

    How far down will Austria be moving in Freedom House’s influential “democracy rating” for 2022? For 2021, Austria held a score of 93 (Category 1: “Free”). Surely these bizarre feed-the-Corona-moloch-god moves and systematic disenfranchisement of vaccine-decliners are enough to drop it into the low 80s or 70s (below 70 = “Partly Free”)

    • Adam Smith says:

      Greetings Mr. Hail,
      I hope this message finds you well, and I hope you are having a great thanksgiving weekend…

      “Would they toss aside medical ethics and physically force the injections on Corona-internees, if it comes to it?” I hope not, but I believe in some places they indeed would. Meanwhile in Australia…

      The Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp located in Darwin, after nine new Covid cases were identified in the community of Binjari. “

      About those nonvaccinated virus-terrorists…

      Corona-heretics often claim the right not to put “poison” in their bodies. That is ludicrous. A mountain of data has overwhelmingly demonstrated that these miraculous vaccines are safe and effective. Suggesting otherwise is akin to believing that the moon landing was faked.

      The Corona-Death pandemic has now sickened more than 1.8 billion people and killed trillions. With quazillions of exposures, the Corona-Death pandemic will only escalate until everyone of everygender and everyage receives as many doses of the life saving vaccine as necessary. Corona-heretics who do not protect themselves and the rest of our community by vaccinating themselves and their children and their pets put us all at risk. They must be imprisoned! Vaccine mandates must be mandatory for all incarcerated Corona-criminals. It’s the only way we will defeat the deadly Corona-plague.

      Fortunately, Science has brought us salvation. Once we’ve properly vaccinated all the Corona-terrorists and Vaccine-deniers we will finally be able to put an end to all our months of fear, exhaustion, and sacrifice…

      When everyone is properly vaccinated we can finally be rid of our chicken suits and soap water enema bottles.

  15. Hail says:

    Pro-CoronaPanic news agency CNN releases “four questions to ask family and friends ahead of Thanksgiving gatherings”:


    (1) ‘Have you been vaccinated?”

    (2) “Have you been tested?” (especially if not Vaccinated.)

    (3) “Should we crack open a window?”

    (4) “Is there anyone at severe risk who needs me to mask up?”

    “[The key is to remember to have an open conversation with those who want to spend time with over the holidays. Have that conversation now,” Gupta said.

  16. Dieter Kief says:

    Hannes Stein, US citizen of German-jewish background, is an Uhlfelder replicant. He is the correspondent of the german daily Die weLT and writes there today:

    That he sees Trump winning in 2024 and thus being the greatest obstacle for the bright future of the US, which – after Trump (= in 2028 ff.) ! – will be “multiracial” (= “multi-rassisch” in German).

    Trump did not distance himself from his supporters when they yelled: Hang Mike Pence! on January the 6th in the Capitol.

    And ex-General Mike Flynn, also a Trump-supporter, wants a state based on a religion, which is – in Hannes Stein’s mjnd, unconstitutional.

    So: “Fascism” is ante portas for Hannes Stein in the US, unfortunately. See: Trump = Hitler…

    “In the Evangelical Mega-churches of the Texan San Antonio, the masses yell: “Let’s Go Brandon!
    – also: Fickt Joe Biden!'” – Pure – – – -Fascism.

    • Hail says:

      Hannes Stein’s article title:

      First comes the Darkness, then a new form of Democracy” (“Erst kommt die Finsternis, dann eine neue Art der Demokratie“).

      Is Hannes Stein consciously….uhh….copying the Washington Post’s slogan (2017-) “Democracy dies in darkness”? It’s like a rephrasing of the Washington Post slogan.

      In general, his talking points are all lifted from the US activist-Left. He is not an objective analyst. More of a propagandist on behalf of one side, simply repeating slogans. To me it means he is a failure as a reporter-analyst, and does a disservice to his readers. To “add insult to injury,” WELT is a conservative paper!

      • hello says:

        Those damn frankfurt Jews. If it wasn’t for them, a civil war wouldn’t have been fought nor a Federal Reserve erected.

    • Hail says:

      I wrote:

      “WELT is a conservative paper!”

      I should have written: “…is supposed to be a conservative paper.”

      But what is conservatism in our age? And what is a conservative-German perspective on US politics specifically?

      I would point to the German version of the Swiss Policy Research “media navigator”:

      Der Medien-Navigator (2024)

      It puts Die Welt near its left-bottom corner, for a combination of “Conservative positions” and “NATO-conformist” (NATO-loyal). Therefore the attitudes towards US politics can be expected to be weighed by NATO considerations, i.e., what in US discourse has come to be called “the national-security state.” In that framing, we can even better understand Herr Hannes Stein’s article, I think.

  17. Pingback: Review of PANDEMIA by Alex Berenson | Hail to You

  18. Pingback: Daniel Uhlfelder: Zionist Agent, Anti-Christian Jew, Covid Panic Pusher – Banned Hipster

  19. hello says:

    While Uhlfelder appears to be a partisan for Democrat Inc., I notice he attacks non-Jewish politicans such as DeSantis or people like Mike Huckabee for traveling to Israel to host pro-Zionsit events. My concern is that while Uhlfender appears to be a crypsy, I can’t help but notice that DeSantis has just as much connections to Israel. DeSantis has openly said he would make Jew ‘hatred’ illegal in Florida and convenes with Likud party members.

  20. Pingback: Book review: “Covid-19: The Politics of a Pandemic Moral Panic” (2021): insights into the Corona-Panic in Canada and an intellectual framework for the Panic | Hail to You

  21. Hail says:

    Florida’s Corona-demagogue-in-chief Daniel Uhlfelder has announced his campaign for attorney general for the state of Florida, challenging a DeSantis ally. (Thanks to Adam Smith for making me aware of this.)

    Here is his campaign video:

    (if the video goes down, it was 2m40s in length, originally titled “Daniel Uhlfelder for Attorney General,” and had a limited release in March 2022. The video has more recently been posted on social media and the main posting to the Uhlfelder twitter six days ago has well over a million views.)

    “My name is Daniel Uhlfelder. I’m just your average attorney and family man….The Uhlfelders fought hard to get to this country. The Nazis tore my family apart…Growing up, my parents NEVER let me forget it…”

  22. Dieter Kief says:

    The clip is perfectly well done. Jaw-droppingly well made. The message is that of absolute individualism. – For everybody else, that is. See this otherwise cryptic remark: “It’s not in my DNA to let it slide.”** – – – The biggest difference between Christians and Jews is clannishness vs. – the “Elementarteilchen” state of mind Michel Houellebecq depicted in Les Particules Elementaires (Atomised / The Atomic Particles in English – the english translation misses out on the – cute – aspect that Houellebecq’s wording catches. It is a bizarre and completely avoidable mistake in the English translation, which could have quite easily chosen elementary particles as well. My guess would be that Houellbecq found this Anglo-mistake telling and – said ok: Let ’em miss out on that one. Everybody chooses the kind of blame that serves them best (he is willing to lose, Michel Houellebecq…)).

    – That said about the Elementarteilchen-mindset of the west – I propose: Now go see US anthropologist Joseph Henrich’s 800 p. commentary, so to speak, on Michel Houellbecqs novel, which is an exhausted “adieu!” to Western individualism (and sexual liberty as one incarnation of it): “The WEIRDEST People in the World” about the hyper-individualization the Christian traditoin consists of (has .m.o.r.p.h.e.d. into) since ca. the 1950ies (at least in Europe)******.

    (The (technical/aesthetical) precision with which that video works on every level is in itself very powerful, btw.)

    **It would be no exaggeration to write a long and winding essay about Daniel Uhlfelder’s “my DNA” remark. If I did (I will not) I’d start with the thesis that it is astonishing that Uhlfelder let this sentence slip out. It’s double talk, of course (that rhetorical strategy supplies the protection here). I’d go on then and try to explain that one half of the double-talk is nonetheless utterly confessional and – somehow pure and naked – – – all defenses down…

    So – thx. to Adam Smith from my side too – but also to you, Mr. Hail, for looking into this indeed telling story.

    ******It would be no useless task to ask the question: Is Jospeh Henrich right with his superlative book title “WEIRDEST People in the World” – about Christians? – Wouldn’t it be even more accurate to use the superlative in the title of the book for the Ashkenasi Jews? – Is it even possible, that Jospeh Henrich did not come across this thought? – He developped the idea for the book and its evolution on various stages of the manuscipt not least in Harvard – – – – . Is there somehting going on like a “deckerinnerung” (= rememberance-cover / S. Freud). Or a tad simpler: Did not pointing out the Ashkenasis being on the throne of the WEIRDEST people in the world enable him to get the book published – and (with astonishing numbers for such a tome) sold (and translated in quite some languages too…)?
    (Just to be clear: Jospeh Henrich’s book is very insightful – its a .g.r.e.a.t. book!)

    • Hail says:

      [Daniel Uhlfelder:] “It’s not in my DNA to let it slide.”

      Previous iterations of Daniel Uhlfelder, x decades ago, would NOT have said this. Definitely not in a public political context. There is a hint of triumphalism, but you have to know to look for it.

  23. Hail says:

    (comment edited, Aug. 1, 2022)

    Daniel Uhlfelder, the Covid-demagogue and Panic-pusher, runs for Florida attorney general 2022: his campaign and rivals (Aug. 1, 2022).

    (NOTE: The above-linked new, full post includes the original contents that were in this comment, and much more on the topic.)

  24. Pingback: Daniel Uhlfelder, the Covid-demagogue and Panic-pusher, runs for Florida attorney general 2022: a close look at his campaign and rivals | Hail to You

  25. Pingback: On elite “Neutralism” during the Corona-Panic and the nature of Power: the case of Noah Rothman | Hail to You

  26. Pingback: The Covid-activist Daniel Uhlfelder loses to the BLM-Soros candidate Aramis Ayala: an appraisal of the Florida attorney general election race of 2022 | Hail to You

  27. ERIC says:

    Can you be looking again at Uhlfelder

    I have massive amount of family history and trees on My Heritage and on GENI

    My Jewish family were Fabian/ Salinger from Pomerania which is sort of Prussia historically

    I have Hedwig Ettlinger b 1873 in New York .. She was murdered 1943 in Auschwitz She was daughter of Samuel (Model) Uhlfelder and Bertha Mayberg
    If you go to the site I mention you find many Uhlfelder siblings

    Please find me elias2000@totalise.co.uk ERIC ELIAS

    Loads of family history

  28. Dieter Kief says:

    A perfectly well written and very insightful look back at Covid – by Alex Washburne, a mathematician and biologist from Montana.

    A question that hangs in the air since months: Did the vaccines reduce infection rates? – – is approached by Alex Washburne – partly with his own data! – and this is what he found: No they did not! – But natural immunity did!

    But that is just one highlight in an article I highly recommend reading:


    Alex Washburne is one of the few knowledgeable people who come at least close to pointing out that Michael Levitt’s use of the Gompertz-function to properly describe the strongly self-restricting Covid-dynamic was a major detection, made in springtime 2020. (I think that the more time will pass, the more people will agree upon this one – at least that’s how I – – – still! – – – understand this clearly self-resrticting property of the SARS-Cov-2 virus.)

    I’d be happy t o see Washburen awarded with a Pulitzer-prize for this essay. In the meantime, I reward him the Hans-Magnus-Enzensberger price for lucidity & clarity!
    (He is just the second writer I so highly decorated, hehe)

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